

AI tips, tricks, knowledge created by the experts at CO/AI

Category: AI Automation

AI Agents in the Workplace: Disruption, Opportunity, and the Need for Strategic Adaptation

Artificial intelligence (AI) agents are no longer a futuristic concept – they’re actively reshaping the business landscape. From streamlining

AI could kill call centres, says Tata Consultancy Services head

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are poised to significantly impact the call center industry, as highlighted by K Krithivasan,

Klarna’s AI Customer Service Agents Signal Potential Disruption in Knowledge Work

Klarna recently revealed that during their first month of deployment, its AI-powered customer service agents, built using OpenAI’s technology,

HR & Business Leadership AI 2024 Proprieties

2024 Survey Reveals Widespread Adoption and Expanding

The Future is Here: How AI is Transforming Knowledge Work and Changing the Way Work Gets Done

A unprecedented glimpse into the impact of artificial intelligence on complex knowledge work.