
Category: Explainability

Shaping the Future of Work: Generative AI’s Impact on Labor Productivity and Job Markets

Understand the dual nature of AI in the workforce: balancing the scales of job displacement and the creation of new, innovative roles
The transformative power of generative AI
JP Morgan Ethan Carlson

From Textile Operators to Tech Gurus: RAND Research Maps AI’s Transformative Role in the Workforce

Learn why occupations requiring more education now face higher AI exposure – vital info for future-proofing your career.
Artificial Intelligence and the Labor Force
RAND Ethan Carlson

Looking Into The Black Box: Anthropic’s Breakthrough with Claude 3 Sonnet’s Features

Claude 3 Sonnet unveils groundbreaking insights, revolutionizing AI decision-making with transparent processes.
Scaling Monosemanticity: Extracting Interpretable Features from Claude 3 Sonnet
Anthropic Ethan Carlson

AI as the New Coder: CodiumAI’s Path to Smarter Software

CodiumAI is transforming competitive programming by doubling code generation accuracy and reducing computational costs.
Code Generation with AlphaCodium: From Prompt Engineering to Flow Engineering
CodiumAI Ethan Carlson