
Category: AI

From Healthcare to Education: How AI Could Deepen or Reduce Racial Inequities

From AI-powered medical diagnoses to classroom analytics, this report uncovers how these technologies could affect you and your community—for better or worse.
Exploring the Impact of AI on Black Americans: Considerations for the Congressional Black Caucus’s Policy Initiatives
Stanford University Griffin Chiu

$15.7 Trillion: The Enormous Commercial Opportunity of AI Revealed in New PwC Study

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a source of both huge excitement and apprehension. What are the real opportunities and threats for your business?
Sizing the prize. What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise?
pwc Griffin Chiu

Market Logic’s Groundbreaking AI 2023 Insights Report: Transforming Businesses Through Enhanced Market Research

Embrace the future with AI: Learn how to leverage AI-driven insights for competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving market landscape.
How AI will transform use of research, data & insights
Market Logic Software Ethan Carlson

Beyond Automation: Accenture’s Comprehensive Study Highlights Generative AI’s Role in Reinventing Work and Empowering Workers

Discover how Generative AI is not just about efficiency, but a catalyst for creativity and innovation in the workplace - essential reading for forward-thinking professionals.
Work, workforce, workers - Reinvented in the age of generative AI
Accenture Ethan Carlson

Deloitte’s AI Insight: 44% Rate High Expertise, But Is It Enough for the AI Pace?

Ready for an AI-driven future? Find out how generative AI is setting the stage for a new era in business and personal productivity.
Now decides next: Insights from the leading edge of generative AI adoption
Deloitte Ethan Carlson

KPMG’s Generative AI Study: A Look into the Future of Competitive Business Strategies

Explore how generative AI is poised to reshape the corporate world, offering unprecedented opportunities for career advancement.
Generative AI: From buzz to business value
KPMG Ethan Carlson

Financial Firms Tackle AI Revolution: Insights from MIT & UBS Report on Generative AI’s Emerging Impact

See how generative AI could revolutionize financial services, potentially unlocking $340 billion in value and changing the face of the industry.
Finding value in generative AI for financial services
MIT & UBS Ethan Carlson

Generative AI in Legal Sector: Thomson Reuters Report Reveals Surprising Trends

Navigating the AI legal landscape: Insights on how law professionals are approaching AI tools for efficiency without compromising ethics."
ChatGPT and Generative AI within Law Firms
Thomson Reuters Institute Ethan Carlson

AI Revolution Unleashed: Generative AI to Boost Global Productivity by up to 3% Annually

Learn how embracing generative AI can supercharge your productivity, revolutionize job roles, and open doors to unprecedented career opportunities.
The transformative power of generative AI
JP Morgan Ethan Carlson