
What does it do?

  • Document Processing
  • OCR
  • PDF Conversion
  • ID Scanning
  • Robotic Process Automation
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Details & Features

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WorkFusion is a company that provides an automation cloud solution, enabling businesses to automate and analyze document-intensive processes. This is achieved through the use of intelligent bots and advanced analytics. The solution ensures maximum control, compliance, and auditability, allowing companies to safely increase automation across their enterprise.

WorkFusion's integrated platform is designed to eliminate gaps and obstacles, providing significant results for automating multiple functions within an enterprise. The solutions offered are specialized and designed to automate the most time-consuming processes within specific industry domains.

Key features of WorkFusion's platform include:

- Intelligent bots that are pre-trained on a vast array of documents and data, ensuring accurate and efficient automation.
- A user-friendly interface that allows users to review progress, automation rates, and process-specific KPIs.
- The ability to track the status and progress of both digital and real-world team tasks.

WorkFusion's automation cloud solution also provides a feature that allows companies to compare their automation results with industry benchmarks. This provides valuable insights for improvement. Users can review their Digital Workers' efficiency, time-to-process, and STP rates.

WorkFusion's solution is particularly effective for companies with document-heavy processes. By leveraging this automation cloud solution, companies can elevate their teams' meaningful work and achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Document Processing, OCR, PDF Conversion, ID Scanning, Robotic Process Automation, Analytics, Image Recognition, Process Automation, Data Extraction, Task Tracking
  • Who is it good for?


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