
What does it do?

  • User Research
  • Interview Automation
  • Insight Generation
  • Concept Testing
  • Usability Testing

How is it used?

  • Use web app
  • create interviews
  • get AI-generated insights.
  • 1. Select template or AI script
  • 2. Conduct interviews w/ AI
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Who is it good for?

  • Product Managers
  • Customer Experience Managers
  • User Experience Researchers
  • Product Designers
  • Market Research Professionals

Details & Features

  • Made By

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Versive is an AI-powered platform designed to streamline and enhance the process of conducting and analyzing user interviews, providing actionable insights in a fraction of the time traditionally required. Founded by Mirio, Inc. and backed by Y Combinator, Versive was launched in 2024 and is crafted with care in San Francisco, New York, and Mexico.

- AI-Assisted Interview Creation: Users can start with a template or have the AI assistant design a custom study in seconds. The AI interviewer conducts conversations, asks smart follow-up questions, supports voice input, and can converse in dozens of languages.
- Insight Generation: The platform generates shareable reports complete with themes, quotes, and raw transcripts. It also provides concise and relevant AI-generated summaries of the interviews, making it easier to derive insights.
- Versatile Use Cases: Versive can be used for concept testing, feedback surveys, onboarding forms, continuous research, internal feedback, and usability testing.

How It Works:
Users interact with Versive primarily through a web app. The process begins by either selecting a template or using the AI assistant to create a custom interview script. The AI interviewer then conducts the interviews, asking relevant follow-up questions and supporting multiple languages and voice inputs. Once the interviews are completed, Versive generates a comprehensive report that includes themes, quotes, and raw transcripts, which can be easily shared and acted upon.

While specific integrations are not detailed, Versive's capabilities suggest it can be integrated into various workflows across different departments such as marketing, customer success, and product development. The platform's ability to generate reports and insights implies potential compatibility with other business intelligence and data analysis tools.

Generative AI and Foundation Models:
Versive leverages generative AI to create interview scripts, conduct interviews, and generate insightful summaries and reports. The specific AI foundation model or LLM (Large Language Model) used by Versive is not explicitly mentioned, but its capabilities indicate the use of advanced natural language processing and understanding technologies.

Availability and User Base:
Versive is available as a web application, making it accessible to a wide range of users. It is particularly beneficial for marketing teams, product teams, customer success teams, and HR departments. Versive is not open source, and its proprietary technology is designed to provide a competitive edge in user research and feedback analysis.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    User Research, Interview Automation, Insight Generation, Concept Testing, Usability Testing
  • Who is it good for?
    Product Managers, Customer Experience Managers, User Experience Researchers, Product Designers, Market Research Professionals


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