
What does it do?

  • API Integration
  • Language Model Optimization
  • Performance Benchmarking
  • Model Combination
  • Streaming Responses

How is it used?

  • Get API key
  • send query
  • receive optimized LLM response.
  • 1. Obtain API key
  • 2. Send query thru API
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Who is it good for?

  • AI Researchers
  • Data Scientists
  • Business Analysts
  • Software Developers
  • Startup Founders

Details & Features

  • Made By

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Unify.ai provides access to multiple large language models (LLMs) through a single API, enabling users to combine models for faster, cheaper, and better responses. The platform streamlines the use of various LLMs by offering a unified interface that optimizes performance based on user-defined criteria.

Key Features:
- Unified API Access: Access all LLMs across different providers using a single API key, simplifying integration and reducing complexity
- Custom Routing: Set up cost, latency, and output speed constraints, and define custom quality metrics to personalize query routing
- Performance Optimization: Systematically sends queries to the fastest provider based on the latest benchmark data, refreshed every 10 minutes, to ensure peak performance
- Model Combination: Combines multiple models to deliver responses that are faster, cheaper, and of higher quality than those from any single model
- Streaming Responses: Supports streaming responses for real-time interaction and faster data retrieval
- Extensive Model Support: Supports various models, including Mixtral-8x7B Instruct v0.1 and Meta's LLaMa2 70B Chat, with each model benchmarked for performance metrics

How It Works:
1. Obtain an API key from Unify.ai
2. Use the API to send a query
3. Receive a response based on the selected model and provider, optimized for the user's specified constraints

Unify.ai supports integration with various platforms and services, including Anyscale for the Mixtral-8x7B Instruct model, Meta for models like LLaMa2 70B Chat, and other LLM providers.

Leveraging Generative AI:
Unify.ai leverages generative AI by combining multiple LLMs to generate responses, ensuring users get the best possible output by utilizing the strengths of different models. The platform's performance metrics and custom routing capabilities further enhance the efficiency and quality of the generative AI features.

Availability and Launch Information:
- Software Type: Available as an API for developers to integrate into various applications and services
- Launch Date: 2024
- Company Founding: 2024
- Open Source: Not open source

Target Users:
- Developers who need to integrate multiple LLMs into their applications with minimal complexity
- Businesses looking to optimize their AI-driven services for cost, speed, and quality
- Researchers and academics who require access to a variety of LLMs for their studies and experiments
- Enterprises that need scalable and efficient AI solutions for diverse use cases

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    API Integration, Language Model Optimization, Performance Benchmarking, Model Combination, Streaming Responses
  • Who is it good for?
    AI Researchers, Data Scientists, Business Analysts, Software Developers, Startup Founders


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