
What does it do?

  • Code Documentation
  • Collaborative Development
  • Meeting Transcription
  • Meeting Summarization
  • Legacy Code Understanding

How is it used?

  • Integrate GitHub
  • discuss code slices in web app meetings.
  • 1. Integrate w/ GitHub
  • 2. Generate code slices
  • 3. Setup online meetings
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Who is it good for?

  • Project Managers
  • Software Development Teams
  • Legacy Code Maintainers
  • Onboarding Developers
  • Codebase Collaborators

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Ten.dev is a platform designed to enhance codebase understanding through collaborative discussions and automated documentation. It focuses on making legacy code more accessible and comprehensible by generating logical function call paths, known as "slices," which are then discussed, transcribed, and stored alongside the code.

- Automatic generation of slices (logical function call paths) from codebases
- Collaborative team meetings to discuss specific slices via voice and video
- Transcription of all team meetings, providing a written record of discussions
- Summarization of meetings, highlighting key points and decisions
- Permanent storage of videos, transcriptions, and summaries alongside relevant code slices
- SOC-2 Type-2 compliance, ensuring high standards of security and data protection

How It Works:
1. Users integrate their code repositories with Ten.dev (currently supports GitHub, with plans for GitLab and Bitbucket support in the future)
2. Ten.dev automatically generates slices from the codebase
3. Users set up online meetings to discuss specific slices with team members
4. After meetings, users can access video recordings, transcriptions, and summaries, which are stored alongside the code slices

Example Use Case:
A development team working on a complex legacy codebase can use Ten.dev to generate slices of the code. They can then hold a meeting to discuss a particular slice, with the conversation being transcribed and summarized. This documentation is stored permanently, making it easier for new team members to understand the codebase and for existing members to recall past discussions.

- Currently supports GitHub integration
- Plans to support GitLab and Bitbucket in the future

Ten.dev leverages generative AI to transcribe and summarize meetings, ensuring accurate and comprehensive documentation that captures the essence of the discussions.

- Available as a web application
- Launched in 2024
- Company founded in 2024

Target Users:
- Development teams, particularly those dealing with complex or legacy codebases
- New team members, to help them quickly understand the codebase through documented discussions
- Project managers, to keep track of development discussions and decisions

Ten.dev is not open source.

  • Supported ecosystems
    GitHub, Github, GitHub, Slack, VS Code, Microsoft
  • What does it do?
    Code Documentation, Collaborative Development, Meeting Transcription, Meeting Summarization, Legacy Code Understanding
  • Who is it good for?
    Project Managers, Software Development Teams, Legacy Code Maintainers, Onboarding Developers, Codebase Collaborators


Augment is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development efficiency and quality.
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