
What does it do?

  • Adaptive Learning
  • Personalized Learning
  • Online Education
  • Learning Analytics
  • Collaborative Learning

How is it used?

  • Create adaptive learning content via a web-based SaaS platform.
  • 1. Use web app
  • 2. Create content
  • 3. Deploy to students
  • 4. Analyze responses
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Who is it good for?

  • Educators
  • Curriculum Developers
  • Instructional Designers
  • Learning Experience Designers
  • Educational Technologists

Details & Features

  • Made By

    Smart Sparrow
  • Released On


Smart Sparrow is an EdTech company that provides a comprehensive authoring platform for creating personalized, adaptive online learning experiences. The platform empowers instructors and learning designers to develop engaging, adaptive content that is continuously improved based on real-time learner analytics.

Key features:
- Adaptive eLearning Platform: A web-based suite for developing adaptive learning content and applications, deploying material to students, and analyzing student learning from their responses
- Intelligent Tutoring System: Combines Constraint-Based Modeling and Model Tracing to provide a "tutor over the shoulder" learning experience
- Real-Time Learner Analytics: Continuously improves learning experiences based on student performance and feedback
- Cloud-Based Courseware Development Platform: Enables educators to deliver digital learning experiences that lead to better learner outcomes
- Learning Design Studio: Supports educators in delivering high-quality, learner-centered experiences
- Collaborative Platform: Allows teams to collaborate on creating end-to-end digital learning experiences in one place

How it works:
1. Instructors and learning designers create adaptive learning content using the authoring platform
2. The content is deployed to students, who interact with it
3. The platform analyzes student responses and performance in real-time
4. The content adapts to the specific needs of each student based on their performance and feedback

- Pearson Education: Acquired Smart Sparrow in 2020, integrating its technology into Pearson's offerings
- University of New South Wales: Originated from the Adaptive eLearning Research Group at the university
- Australian High Schools: Deployed in high schools to improve student engagement in mathematics and science

Use of AI:
The platform uses Constraint-Based Modeling and Model Tracing in its intelligent tutoring system to provide adaptive learning experiences.

AI foundation model:
Information not provided.

How to access:
The Adaptive eLearning Platform is delivered online as a software as a service (SaaS) web application.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Unknown, Blackboard, Canvas
  • What does it do?
    Adaptive Learning, Personalized Learning, Online Education, Learning Analytics, Collaborative Learning
  • Who is it good for?
    Educators, Curriculum Developers, Instructional Designers, Learning Experience Designers, Educational Technologists


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