
What does it do?

  • Sales Prospecting
  • Lead Generation
  • Lead Prioritization
  • Sales Automation
  • LinkedIn Outreach

How is it used?

  • Web app integrates with sales tech via API for lead generation.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Source leads
  • 3. Create content
  • 4. Automate LinkedIn
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Who is it good for?

  • Account Executives
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Development Representatives
  • Revenue Operations Professionals

Details & Features

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Regie.ai is a generative AI platform that automates and enhances sales prospecting efforts. It streamlines the process of identifying, engaging, and converting leads, making sales prospecting more efficient for businesses.

Key features:
- Audience Discovery: Automatically identifies target accounts and contacts not present in the CRM
- Relevant Content Generation: Generates on-brand, contextual messages using pre-stored content and customizable AI prompts
- Outbound Prioritization: Prioritizes outreach to in-market prospects using engagement and intent data
- Dynamic Audience Engagement: Adjusts frequency and content of outreach based on prospect engagement levels
- Auto-Pilot Agents: Virtual Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) that autonomously engage market segments and book meetings
- Unified Revenue Technology Stack: Integrates with core RevTech systems like sales engagement platforms, CRMs, and intent data providers
- LinkedIn Outreach Automation: Automates LinkedIn InMails and connection requests, leveraging data points for personalization
- Self-Generating Pipeline: Automates top-of-funnel prospecting, allowing sales reps to focus on higher-value activities
- High Intent Lead Focus: Prioritizes leads based on engagement signals
- Full Funnel Brand Protection: Ensures consistent use of marketing-approved language across all sales communications

How it works:
1. Lead Sourcing: AI agents autonomously source leads, identifying new accounts and contacts that match the ideal customer profile
2. Content Creation: AI generates personalized emails and messages using pre-defined templates and prompts
3. Engagement and Follow-Up: System uses engagement data to determine best times and channels for follow-up, dynamically adjusting outreach strategies
4. LinkedIn Automation: Power Socializer tool accelerates LinkedIn outreach by automating InMails and connection requests

- Sales Engagement Platforms: Outreach, SalesLoft
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Salesforce
- Intent Data Providers

Use of AI:
Regie.ai's generative AI capabilities are built on advanced AI foundation models, which enable the platform to create highly personalized and contextually relevant content. These models analyze vast amounts of data to understand what messaging resonates with prospects, optimizing outreach efforts.

How to access:
Regie.ai is available as a web application and can be integrated into existing sales tech stacks via APIs. It is particularly beneficial for sales teams, revenue operations, and marketing teams.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Salesforce, LinkedIn, Microsoft
  • What does it do?
    Sales Prospecting, Lead Generation, Lead Prioritization, Sales Automation, LinkedIn Outreach
  • Who is it good for?
    Account Executives, Marketing Professionals, Sales Managers, Sales Development Representatives, Revenue Operations Professionals


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