
What does it do?

  • Software Development
  • Code Generation
  • Debugging
  • Error Handling
  • Version Control

How is it used?

  • Install as VS Code extension
  • input via natural language.
  • 1. Install VS Code extension
  • 2. Describe app & generate code
  • 3. Debug w/ terminal error messages
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Who is it good for?

  • Software Developers
  • Experienced Developers
  • Junior Developers
  • VS Code Users
  • Git Users

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : Unknown

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Pythagora is an AI-powered development tool designed to simplify and accelerate the process of building software applications. It operates as a Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension and leverages advanced generative AI models, specifically GPT Pilot and GPT-4, to assist developers in creating, debugging, and deploying applications with minimal manual intervention.


Generative AI Capabilities
- Code Generation: Writes production-ready, modular code based on user input, reducing development time.
- Error Handling and Debugging: Reads terminal outputs to catch errors, identifies bugs, proposes solutions, and implements fixes autonomously.
- Automated Testing (Coming Soon): Will write automated tests to ensure application scalability and reliability.
- Deployment (Coming Soon): Will enable users to deploy and host their applications online with a single click.

User Interaction
- Conversational Interface: Interacts with users through natural language, asking clarifying questions and guiding them through the development process.
- Code Review and Feedback: Requests user feedback and code reviews to ensure generated code meets required standards.
- Version Control: Tracks the entire codebase using Git, ensuring all changes are documented and reversible.

Additional Tools
- Code Chat: Allows users to interact with their codebase through a chat interface, making it easier to understand and modify existing code.
- Prompt Lab: A tool for testing and iterating on large language model (LLM) prompts, enabling developers to create, save, and load LLM conversations.
- Star History: A utility for tracking and comparing the star count changes of GitHub repositories over time.

How It Works

Pythagora is user-friendly, with no learning curve. Users install the VS Code extension and start interacting with the tool through natural language. When more information is needed or an issue is encountered, Pythagora asks the user for clarification or feedback. This conversational approach allows even junior developers to quickly become proficient, as the tool handles the complexities of code generation, error handling, and debugging.

Example Use Cases
- Creating a New App: Users describe the app they want to build, and Pythagora generates the necessary code, asks for clarifications, and guides them through the development process.
- Debugging Existing Code: Pythagora reads error messages from the terminal, identifies bugs, and suggests fixes, which it can implement automatically.
- Testing LLM Prompts: Developers can use the Prompt Lab to test and refine their LLM prompts, ensuring optimal performance.


Pythagora integrates seamlessly with:
- Visual Studio Code: As a VS Code extension, it fits naturally into the workflows of many developers.
- Git: For version control, ensuring that all changes are tracked and managed effectively.

AI Foundation Model

Pythagora is powered by GPT Pilot and GPT-4, which are among the most advanced generative AI models available. These models enable the tool to understand natural language inputs, generate high-quality code, and perform complex debugging tasks.

Availability and User Base

Pythagora is available as a VS Code extension, making it accessible to a wide range of developers. It is particularly beneficial for:
- Junior Developers: By simplifying the development process, Pythagora helps less experienced developers quickly become proficient.
- Experienced Developers: It accelerates the development process, allowing seasoned developers to focus on higher-level design and architecture tasks.

Pythagora was launched in April 2024 by a company founded in the same year. The tool is not open source, but it is backed by Combinator, indicating strong support and potential for growth in the developer tools market.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Visual Studio Code, Microsoft
  • What does it do?
    Software Development, Code Generation, Debugging, Error Handling, Version Control
  • Who is it good for?
    Software Developers, Experienced Developers, Junior Developers, VS Code Users, Git Users


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Pricing model: Unknown


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