
What does it do?

  • Podcast Production
  • Show Notes Generation
  • Podcast Transcription
  • Content Creation
  • Audio Content Optimization

How is it used?

  • Upload podcast audio to web app; AI generates content.
  • 1. Upload audio w/ web app
  • 2. AI processes content
  • 3. Review & edit generated text
  • 4. Export & share content

Who is it good for?

  • Social Media Managers
  • Content Creators
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Podcast Hosts
  • Audio Editors

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On

Podium is an AI-powered tool that automates the creation of show notes, articles, transcripts, chapters, and other content for podcasters and content creators. It leverages advanced generative AI models to streamline the post-production process for podcasts, making it easier and faster to produce high-quality content.

Key features:
- Automatically generates summaries and detailed notes for podcast episodes
- Segments episodes into core topics, formatted for integration with platforms like Spotify and YouTube
- Provides high-quality transcripts in .TXT and .VTT formats
- Identifies and timestamps the best moments of an episode, creating ready-to-use highlight clips
- Generates social media content tailored for platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote episodes
- Supplies relevant keywords to improve discoverability by fans and search engines

How it works:
1. Users upload their podcast audio files to the Podium platform.
2. Podium's AI processes the audio to generate show notes, transcripts, chapters, and more.
3. Users can review and edit the generated content to ensure it meets their standards.
4. The final content can be exported in various formats and shared directly to social media or other platforms.

Podium supports API access, allowing businesses to integrate its features into their own applications.

Use of AI:
Podium's generative AI features are built on OpenAI's ChatGPT and GPT-3/GPT-4 models, enabling it to understand and generate human-like text for creating detailed and accurate content.

AI foundation model:
ChatGPT and GPT-3/GPT-4

How to access:
Podium is available as a web app and offers API access for businesses. It provides a free trial period of 3 hours for new users to experience its capabilities.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Meta
  • What does it do?
    Podcast Production, Show Notes Generation, Podcast Transcription, Content Creation, Audio Content Optimization
  • Who is it good for?
    Social Media Managers, Content Creators, Marketing Professionals, Podcast Hosts, Audio Editors


Podsqueeze automates podcast content repurposing, generating transcripts, show notes, and more.
Deciphr automatically transforms podcasts into engaging multimedia content, saving creators time and effort.
Podcast Marketing AI automates the creation of marketing assets for podcast episodes, including transcripts, show notes, and social media posts.
Capsho transforms podcasts, vlogs, or livestreams into a suite of marketing assets for entrepreneurs.
Riverside.fm: Record studio-quality podcasts and videos with up to 4K resolution and 48kHz audio remotely.