
What does it do?

  • Kubernetes Management
  • Development Environment Provisioning
  • Cloud Resource Provisioning
  • Developer Productivity
  • Collaborative Development

How is it used?

  • Use the web app to automate and manage Kubernetes environments.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Customize envs
  • 3. Spin up envs
  • 4. Provision cloud resources
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Who is it good for?

  • Full-Stack Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Kubernetes Developers
  • Cloud-Native Developers
  • Platform Engineers

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Okteto streamlines and enhances the developer experience, particularly when working with Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. The platform automates the modern developer experience, allowing developers to focus on innovation and coding rather than the complexities of cloud-native environments. Okteto leverages generative artificial intelligence to improve productivity and collaboration among development teams.

Key features:
- Automated building, provisioning, and managing of production-like environments
- DevX-first approach that automates the development inner loop and shifts left the verification process
- Simplifies Kubernetes management, reducing the need for developers to be highly skilled in Kubernetes
- Provides ephemeral development and preview environments for coding and testing
- Allows customization of development environments and dependencies
- Enables on-demand spinning of development environments
- Offers single-click provisioning of cloud resources required by an application

Users interact with Okteto through a web app, which provides a guided tour to explore its features. The platform is tailored for developers working in cloud-native environments who seek to streamline their workflow and focus on coding and innovation. Use cases include quickly provisioning and customizing development environments, improving collaboration and innovation by eliminating manual configurations, and reducing cognitive load on developers.

While the specific integrations and AI foundation model are not detailed, Okteto's ability to automate development workflows suggests a sophisticated use of generative AI. The platform's focus on automating environment provisioning and management indicates a deep integration with cloud services and Kubernetes.

Okteto is available as a web app, catering to developers, platform engineers, and teams working in cloud-native environments. It is beneficial for those looking to reduce time and resources spent on managing environment setups, and is ideal for both experienced developers and new team members, facilitating quick onboarding and immediate productivity.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Kubernetes Management, Development Environment Provisioning, Cloud Resource Provisioning, Developer Productivity, Collaborative Development
  • Who is it good for?
    Full-Stack Developers, DevOps Engineers, Kubernetes Developers, Cloud-Native Developers, Platform Engineers


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