
What does it do?

  • Customer Feedback Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Topic Classification
  • Entity Extraction

How is it used?

  • Upload datasets
  • select models
  • view results in dashboards.
  • 1. Upload data w/ web app
  • 2. Select/create model
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Who is it good for?

  • Data Scientists
  • Product Managers
  • Market Researchers
  • Business Analysts
  • Customer Experience Managers

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : Unknown

Details & Features

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MonkeyLearn is a text analytics and data visualization platform that helps businesses efficiently clean, label, and visualize customer feedback. It provides instant insights and detailed data analysis through artificial intelligence.

Key features:
- Text analysis and data visualization: Run analyses on data to gain immediate insights, create custom charts and visualizations, explore data with high granularity, and combine and filter data by various inputs.
- Machine learning models: Use pre-built classifiers and extractors or build custom models without coding. Model types include topic classifiers, sentiment analysis, entity extractors, and more.
- Business templates: Access pre-made text analysis models and dashboards tailored for different business scenarios such as NPS analysis, review analysis, CSAT analysis, support analysis, survey analysis, and VoC analysis.

How it works:
1. Users upload their datasets into the platform.
2. They choose from pre-built models or create custom ones using a no-code interface.
3. The analysis is executed to process the data.
4. Results are viewed through custom charts and dashboards.
5. The results can be connected to other applications or databases via native integrations or API.

- Business Intelligence Tools
- SQL Databases
- APIs for custom integrations with other software solutions

Use of AI:
MonkeyLearn utilizes AI to enhance its text analysis capabilities. The platform is built on advanced AI models that can process and understand natural language, enabling features like sentiment analysis, topic classification, and entity extraction.

How to access:
MonkeyLearn is available as a web application and offers API access for integration with other software solutions.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Unknown, Google, GitHub
  • What does it do?
    Customer Feedback Analysis, Data Visualization, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Classification, Entity Extraction
  • Who is it good for?
    Data Scientists, Product Managers, Market Researchers, Business Analysts, Customer Experience Managers


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Pricing model: Unknown


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