
What does it do?

  • Web App Development
  • Code Generation
  • React Development
  • Node.js Development
  • App Prototyping

How is it used?

  • Use web app
  • generate React/Node.js code from prompts.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Generate app components
  • 3. Customize design
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Who is it good for?

  • Computer Science Students
  • Startup Founders
  • Freelance Developers
  • Web App Developers
  • Tech Agency Employees

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Marblism is an AI-driven platform designed to streamline the development of web applications by automating the generation of boilerplate code for React and Node.js applications. It significantly reduces the time and effort required to go from concept to functional app by providing pre-configured front-end and back-end components. The platform is particularly useful for developers looking to quickly launch applications without the need to write extensive code from scratch. Marblism supports various integrations and leverages generative AI to enhance the app development process. It is available as a web app and was officially launched in 2024.

- AI-Generated App Components: Automatically generates database schemas, API endpoints, and front-end pages.
- Authentication Options: Supports JWT and Google login for secure user access.
- Real-Time Capabilities: Implements real-time events and notifications for dynamic user experiences.
- File Management: Integration with AWS S3 allows for efficient file uploads and management.
- Customizable Design System: Users can tailor the design elements to fit the specific needs of their application.
- One-Click Deployment: Provides the ability to deploy apps quickly and efficiently.
- OpenAI API Integration: Enhances app capabilities with advanced AI features from OpenAI.

Marblism integrates with several third-party services to enhance its functionality, including OpenAI API, JWT, Google Login, Mailjet, and AWS S3. The platform utilizes generative AI to automate the creation of app components, likely using a type of Large Language Model (LLM), although specific details about the AI foundation model are not explicitly mentioned.

Pricing tiers are available to accommodate different user needs and budgets, including a free Starter Plan, a Pro Plan at $35 per month, and an Elite Plan at $80 per month. Marblism is ideal for a variety of users, such as founders, CTOs, freelancers, indie hackers, tech agencies, and students.

  • Supported ecosystems
    GitHub, Google, Amazon
  • What does it do?
    Web App Development, Code Generation, React Development, Node.js Development, App Prototyping
  • Who is it good for?
    Computer Science Students, Startup Founders, Freelance Developers, Web App Developers, Tech Agency Employees


BlackBox AI is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps developers write code faster using autocomplete, generation, and search features.
Devin, an autonomous AI software engineer, collaborates with developers to handle tasks from bug fixes to app deployment.
Augment is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development efficiency and quality.
GitHub Copilot generates code suggestions in real-time to enhance developer productivity.
OpenAI Codex translates natural language into code, supporting multiple programming languages.
Windmill is an open-source developer platform that streamlines building and managing data-intensive applications using low-code workflows.
Amazon Q Developer is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development and infrastructure management for AWS developers.
Mixtral 8x7B is an open-source, multilingual SMoE model that matches GPT3.5 performance at lower cost.
Generates code from natural language prompts in 20+ languages, with debugging and IDE integration.
Phind is an AI-powered answer engine that helps developers solve problems and generate code, with internet connectivity and optional codebase integration.