
What does it do?

  • eLearning Localization
  • Translation Services
  • Multimedia Translation
  • CMS Integration
  • LMS Integration

How is it used?

  • Set up translation projects via web app for AI translations.
  • Upload content to web app
  • get AI-driven translations.
  • 1. Upload content
  • 2. Process w/ Translation Engine
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Who is it good for?

  • Marketing Professionals
  • Product Managers
  • Customer Support Managers
  • Localization Professionals
  • Educational Institutions
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Details & Features

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Lilt is an AI-powered translation and localization platform that helps organizations create and deliver educational content to a global audience in their native languages.

Key features:
- AI-powered Translation Engine that matches a company's specific voice for consistent translations
- Supports various content types, including asynchronous videos, comprehension checks, subtitling, and on-screen graphics replacement
- Integrates with CMS platforms, LMS platforms, knowledge bases, and collaboration software
- Utilizes custom AI models and contextual AI to enhance translation accuracy and relevance
- Automates redundant manual steps to streamline the localization workflow

How it works:
1. Users upload their eLearning content to the Lilt platform
2. The AI-powered Translation Engine processes the content, translating it into the desired languages while maintaining the company's specific voice
3. For multimedia content, Lilt provides subtitling and on-screen graphics replacement
4. Translated content is transferred back to the user's existing systems through Lilt's integration capabilities
5. Users can monitor and manage their translation projects through the Lilt platform

Lilt supports integrations with CMS platforms, LMS platforms, knowledge bases, and collaboration software.

Use of AI:
Lilt leverages generative artificial intelligence to enhance its translation services. The AI models are trained on extensive datasets to understand context and maintain the specific voice of a company, ensuring accurate and consistent translations.

Target users:
- Educational institutions that need to translate content for a global audience
- Corporate training departments providing materials in multiple languages
- eLearning companies that create and distribute online courses and need to localize their content

How to access:
Lilt is available as a web app, API, and through various integrations with other software platforms.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    eLearning Localization, Translation Services, Multimedia Translation, CMS Integration, LMS Integration
  • Who is it good for?
    Marketing Professionals, Product Managers, Customer Support Managers, Localization Professionals, Educational Institutions, Localization Managers, Global Content Strategists, eLearning Content Creators, Corporate Training Departments, Translation Service Providers


Duolingo offers engaging, personalized language courses using bite-sized lessons and game-like elements.