
What does it do?

  • Data Analysis
  • Application Development
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Transformation
  • Data Cleaning

How is it used?

  • Integrate web app
  • ask questions for data analysis.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Ask questions
  • 3. Generate Python code
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Who is it good for?

  • Data Analysts
  • Business Intelligence Professionals
  • Application Developers
  • SaaS Providers
  • Enterprise Software Companies

Details & Features

  • Made By

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Lightski, an innovative AI company launched in 2023, specializes in embedding AI-driven data science capabilities directly into applications. The platform allows app developers to integrate an AI Data Scientist, enabling end-users to perform complex data analysis within the app itself without the need for extensive data science expertise.

Key Features:
- Embedded AI Data Scientist: Allows users to perform data analysis by asking questions directly within the app
- Python Code Generation: The AI generates Python code based on user queries, which is then executed in a secure, isolated environment
- Customizable UI: Developers can re-theme the UI to match their application's design system seamlessly
- Data Transformation and Cleaning: Provides tools to transform and clean data, preparing it for analysis
- Advanced Data Visualizations: Users can create custom graphs, charts, and dashboards
- Data Export: Supports exporting data in a clean, usable format like CSV for further use outside the app

Integrations and Technology:
Lightski integrates directly with various databases, transforming data into a clean schema for analysis. The platform leverages generative AI, likely a form of a large language model (LLM), to interpret user queries and generate corresponding Python code.

Availability and Pricing:
Lightski is available as a web application and operates on a subscription basis. Specific pricing details are not publicly disclosed, and interested users are encouraged to contact Lightski directly for a tailored quote.

Target Users:
Lightski is ideal for application developers and businesses, particularly SaaS providers and enterprises with customer-facing applications, that want to integrate advanced data science capabilities directly into their applications without developing the underlying analytics infrastructure themselves.

Lightski's proprietary technology and software are not open source, meaning they are not available for public modification or redistribution.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Unknown, React
  • What does it do?
    Data Analysis, Application Development, Data Visualization, Data Transformation, Data Cleaning
  • Who is it good for?
    Data Analysts, Business Intelligence Professionals, Application Developers, SaaS Providers, Enterprise Software Companies


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