
What does it do?

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Sales Automation
  • Lead Generation
  • Contact Management
  • Task Automation

How is it used?

  • Web-based integration automates CRM tasks via WhatsApp bots.
  • 1. Integrate WhatsApp & Kommo CRM
  • 2. Automate deal creation
  • 3. Manage deals effortlessly
  • 4. Create contacts w/ each chat
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Who is it good for?

  • Sales Professionals
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Marketing Managers
  • Business Development Executives
  • Relationship Managers

Details & Features

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Kommo CRM's integration with WhatsApp, powered by Chatfuel, automates customer relationship management processes and enhances communication through AI-powered WhatsApp bots.

Key features:
- Automated deal creation: A new deal is automatically generated in Kommo CRM when a user sends a WhatsApp message, capturing potential leads without manual data entry.
- Enhanced deal management: The integration provides automated updates of deal information and facilitates effortless movement of deal statuses, keeping the CRM system up-to-date with the latest interactions.
- Effortless contact creation: After each new WhatsApp chat, a new contact is automatically created in Kommo CRM, ensuring all potential leads are captured and stored for future engagement.
- Task management: The integration allows for the automated creation of tasks for managers related to leads and follow-ups, ensuring timely pursuit of potential opportunities.

How it works:
The setup process to integrate WhatsApp with Kommo CRM is designed to be seamless and can be completed within 5 minutes, requiring no technical expertise. The integration eliminates the need to switch between the CRM and WhatsApp, providing a convenient and efficient communication experience for the team.

This integration is specifically designed for Kommo CRM and WhatsApp, focusing on enhancing CRM capabilities through automated processes and AI-powered communication.

Use of AI:
The integration utilizes WhatsApp bots with ChatGPT built-in, leveraging generative artificial intelligence to automate interactions and processes.

AI foundation model:
The AI foundation model enables the bots to understand and respond to user messages in a natural and engaging manner, enhancing the customer service experience.

How to access:
The solution is available as a web-based integration, easily accessible through the Chatfuel platform.

  • Supported ecosystems
    WhatsApp, Meta, Facebook Messenger, Facebook, Meta, iOS, Apple, Android, Google, WhatsApp, Meta, Google, Android, iOS, Apple
  • What does it do?
    Customer Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Lead Generation, Contact Management, Task Automation
  • Who is it good for?
    Sales Professionals, Customer Service Representatives, Marketing Managers, Business Development Executives, Relationship Managers


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