
What does it do?

  • Product Integration
  • Workflow Automation
  • API Integration
  • Data Mapping
  • Debugging

How is it used?

  • Access web app
  • describe workflow in text
  • get code.
  • 1. Describe workflow
  • 2. AI generates code
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Who is it good for?

  • IT Professionals
  • Product Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Software Developers
  • Integration Specialists

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Inlet is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to streamline and enhance the process of building, testing, and maintaining product integrations. Launched on May 13, 2024, Inlet offers a modern approach to workflow construction, combining the flexibility of coding with the simplicity of no-code tools. The platform is particularly notable for its use of generative artificial intelligence to interpret natural language instructions for creating workflows, making it an invaluable tool for developers and businesses looking to save time and resources in their integration processes.

- Modern Workflow Builder: Users can describe workflows in natural language, and Inlet's AI instantly generates the necessary code, bridging the gap between coding and no-code tools.
- AI-Powered Debugging: The platform includes an AI assistant that aids in building, understanding, and testing workflows without the need for writing code. Users can interact with the system in natural language, with the option to delve into code as needed.
- Support for Any Customer System: Inlet supports over 100 app connectors, providing direct API access to a wide range of services. It can connect to customers' SaaS apps and internal APIs, facilitating the instant building of workflows.
- Automatic Data Mapping: The platform can connect to external systems and automatically map customer data to the user's internal schema, removing the burden of data mapping from the implementation process.
- Automatic Connector Updates: Inlet parses API documentation to automatically add new connectors, ensuring compatibility with a broad array of third-party systems and internal APIs.

How It Works:
1. Users describe the desired workflow in natural language.
2. Inlet's AI interprets the instructions and automatically generates the workflow.
3. The platform offers AI-powered debugging to refine and test the workflows.
4. Users can connect to over 100 different app connectors for seamless integration with customer systems.
5. Automatic data mapping and connector updates further streamline the integration process.

Integrations and AI Foundation:
Inlet leverages generative artificial intelligence to understand and execute natural language instructions. This AI foundation enables the platform to support a wide range of integrations with over 100 app connectors, providing direct API access to various services. The platform's ability to parse API documentation for automatic connector updates exemplifies its advanced use of AI for maintaining and expanding its integration capabilities.

Software Availability:
Inlet is available as a web application, making it accessible from any device with internet connectivity.

Ideal Users:
Inlet is ideal for developers, IT professionals, and businesses looking to streamline their product integration processes. Its natural language processing capabilities make it suitable for users with varying levels of technical expertise, from those who prefer no-code solutions to those who are comfortable diving into code when necessary.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Unknown, Salesforce
  • What does it do?
    Product Integration, Workflow Automation, API Integration, Data Mapping, Debugging
  • Who is it good for?
    IT Professionals, Product Managers, Business Analysts, Software Developers, Integration Specialists


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