
What does it do?

  • Customer Support Automation
  • Sales Automation
  • Voice Bots
  • CRM Integration
  • Personalized Customer Interactions

How is it used?

  • Use web app to set up voice bots
  • automate calls
  • analyze data.
  • Use the web app to automate calls and customer support.
  • 1. Use web app
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Who is it good for?

  • E-commerce Business Owners
  • Sales Professionals
  • Sales Managers
  • Customer Support Agents
  • Customer Support Representatives
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Details & Features

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Infer is an AI-powered software solution that automates voice conversations for sales and customer support teams. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Infer's voice bots can handle a wide range of customer interactions, from answering product queries to processing payments, without the need for additional human staff.

Key features:
- Automated Voice Conversations: AI voice bots handle real-time interactions, answering product questions and resolving customer queries.
- Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with existing dialers and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems for automatic information retrieval.
- Personalized Interactions: Infinite memory allows bots to continue conversations from previous interactions, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.
- Actionable Responses: Bots can send emails, SMS, and assist with payments, covering various customer service tasks.
- Multimodal AI Voice Bot (Pebble): Automates calls, sales training, and support with personalized voice interactions.
- Scalability: Reduces new hire ramp-up time while maintaining high-quality customer experiences.

How it works:
1. Users access Infer through its web app.
2. AI voice bots are integrated into existing systems like dialers and CRMs.
3. Sales teams can use Infer to automate follow-up calls.
4. Customer support teams can use it to handle routine queries and actions.
5. The AI remembers past interactions to provide a seamless, personalized experience.

Dialers, CRM systems

Use of AI:
Infer utilizes generative artificial intelligence to create empathetic voice bots. The company focuses on deep learning and language models for retrieval to power its features and provide automated, personalized customer interactions.

AI foundation model:
While specific details about the AI foundation model or large language model (LLM) are not provided, Infer's technology is based on advanced AI capabilities for natural language processing and voice interaction.

Target users:
- Businesses looking to scale sales and support teams without additional hiring
- Companies in e-commerce, tech support, and financial services sectors
- Organizations relying heavily on customer interactions

How to access:
Infer is available as a web app and offers an API for integration with other systems.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Customer Support Automation, Sales Automation, Voice Bots, CRM Integration, Personalized Customer Interactions
  • Who is it good for?
    E-commerce Business Owners, Sales Professionals, Sales Managers, Customer Support Agents, Customer Support Representatives, Business Intelligence Analysts, Call Center Supervisors, Training and Development Managers, Tech Support Teams, Financial Service Providers
