
What does it do?

  • Audio Transcription
  • Document Summarization
  • PDF Summarization
  • Website Interaction
  • YouTube Content Analysis

How is it used?

  • Web app where users input API keys to chat with AI.
  • 1. Input API key
  • 2. Select feature
  • 3. Interact w/ queries
  • 4. Store data locally

Who is it good for?

  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Content Creators
  • Journalists
  • Business Professionals

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On

HeyGPT is a web-based platform that enhances the ChatGPT experience by integrating various functionalities and supporting GPT-4, allowing users to interact with AI in multiple formats without requiring a login or subscription.

Key features:
- GPT-4 Vision: Leverages GPT-4's advanced capabilities, including visual understanding
- Chat with Audio: Engages in conversations using audio inputs
- Transcribe Audio: Transcribes audio inputs into text
- Chat with YouTube: Interacts with YouTube content, asking questions and receiving insights
- Chat with Docs: Interacts with document files, extracting information and generating summaries
- Chat with PDFs: Engages with PDF files for information retrieval and summarization
- Chat with Websites: Interacts with web content, asking questions and receiving answers
- Use Your Own API Keys: Allows users to input their own OpenAI API keys for privacy and security
- Chats Stored Locally: Stores all chat data locally on the user's device, ensuring no data is sent to external servers

How it works:
1. Users enter their OpenAI API key, which is stored locally on their browser
2. Users choose from various interaction modes such as audio chat, document interaction, or web content engagement
3. Users type or speak their queries, and HeyGPT processes these inputs using GPT-4 to generate responses
4. All interactions and data are stored locally on the user's device

- YouTube: Interacts with YouTube videos, asking questions and receiving insights
- Document Files: Supports interaction with various document formats, including PDFs and text documents
- Websites: Engages with web content, extracting information and generating summaries

Use of AI:
HeyGPT utilizes GPT-4, a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI, across all its features. GPT-4's advanced natural language understanding and generation capabilities ensure high-quality responses and interactions.

AI foundation model:
GPT-4 by OpenAI

How to access:
HeyGPT is available as a web application, accessible from any device with a web browser.

  • Supported ecosystems
    YouTube, Google, OpenAI, Linux, Windows, macOS, Chromebooks, Android, Google, iOS, Apple
  • What does it do?
    Audio Transcription, Document Summarization, PDF Summarization, Website Interaction, YouTube Content Analysis
  • Who is it good for?
    Researchers, Students, Content Creators, Journalists, Business Professionals


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