
What does it do?

  • Autonomous Bug Fixing
  • Code Refactoring
  • Feature Development
  • Software Engineering Automation
  • GitHub Issue Resolution

How is it used?

  • 1. Interact w/ Genie thru web interface
  • 2. Import GitHub issue & create work spec
  • 3. Input coding requirements for Genie
  • 4. Review
  • modify
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Who is it good for?

  • Software Engineers
  • Startup Founders
  • Enterprise Software Developers
  • Tech Company Managers
  • Open-Source Project Maintainers

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Genie is an AI-powered software engineering tool designed to autonomously solve bugs, build features, and refactor code. This advanced system serves as a virtual software engineer, capable of understanding and executing complex programming tasks across various languages and project types.

Key features:
- Autonomous Problem Solving: Independently identifies and resolves software bugs without human intervention.
- Feature Development: Creates new software features from scratch based on provided specifications.
- Code Refactoring: Improves existing code structure and efficiency while maintaining functionality.
- Collaborative Workflow: Functions either independently or in tandem with human developers.
- GitHub Issue Integration: Directly imports and processes GitHub issues for streamlined project management.
- Work Specification Generation: Automatically creates detailed task outlines from imported GitHub issues.
- High-Performance Benchmarking: Achieves top scores on industry-standard software engineering benchmarks.
- Human-like Reasoning: Employs problem-solving approaches that mimic human cognitive processes.
- Multi-language Support: Operates across various programming languages and development environments.

How it works:
1. Users access Genie through a web-based interface.
2. For GitHub-related tasks, users import an issue into Genie.
3. Genie analyzes the issue and generates a comprehensive work specification.
4. Users can then instruct Genie to begin working on the task.
5. For general coding tasks, users input their requirements or problems.
6. Genie processes the input and generates appropriate code solutions.
7. Users review the output and can request modifications or further development from Genie.

- GitHub issue tracker

Use of AI:
Genie utilizes advanced generative AI techniques trained on datasets that codify human reasoning. This allows it to approach software engineering tasks with a human-like problem-solving methodology, rather than relying on random code generation.

AI foundation model:
While the specific foundation model is not disclosed, Genie employs sophisticated AI algorithms trained on extensive datasets to achieve its high-performance capabilities in software engineering tasks.

Target users:
- Software developers and engineers
- Technology companies and startups
- Open-source project maintainers
- Organizations across various industries involved in software development

How to access:
Genie is available as a web-based application. Users can interact with the system through its online interface to perform software engineering tasks.

  • Supported ecosystems
    GitHub, GitHub
  • What does it do?
    Autonomous Bug Fixing, Code Refactoring, Feature Development, Software Engineering Automation, GitHub Issue Resolution
  • Who is it good for?
    Software Engineers, Startup Founders, Enterprise Software Developers, Tech Company Managers, Open-Source Project Maintainers


SHREDS automates software development, reducing costs and time by generating code and architecture designs.