
What does it do?

  • Customer Interviews
  • Customer Feedback
  • Market Research
  • Brand Perception
  • Customer Experience

How is it used?

  • get insights.
  • Access web app
  • describe interview goals
  • share link
  • 1. Describe purpose
See more

Who is it good for?

  • Product Managers
  • Market Researchers
  • Brand Managers
  • Growth Teams
  • Customer Experience Teams

Details & Features

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Flasho AI, an advanced AI-driven platform, conducts customer interviews on behalf of businesses, providing deep insights into customer motivations and preferences. The platform is particularly useful for high-growth teams looking to stay ahead of market trends and customer needs through continuous feedback.

- Humanlike conversations: The AI agent conducts empathetic and humanlike conversations, asking intelligent follow-ups and clarifications to delve deeper into the motivations behind customer responses.
- Simultaneous interviews: Capable of moderating thousands of interviews at once, allowing businesses to scale their customer research efforts significantly.
- Instant insights: The platform processes interview data in seconds, offering quick summaries, identifying themes, highlighting powerful customer quotes, and extracting key insights.

Use Cases:
- Product feedback: Gather detailed feedback on products to inform development and improvements.
- Customer discovery: Understand new customer segments and their needs.
- Market research: Conduct comprehensive market research to stay competitive.
- Brand perception: Assess how customers perceive the brand and identify areas for improvement.
- Customer experience: Gain insights into the customer experience to enhance service and support.
- Growth validation: Validate new growth opportunities based on direct customer feedback.

How It Works:
1. Describe purpose: Users start by describing the context and goals of the interview.
2. Share link: A link is shared with the target users to participate in the interview.
3. Gain insights: The AI conducts the interviews and provides valuable insights almost instantly.

Flasho AI integrates seamlessly with various tools and platforms to enhance its functionality, such as CRM systems, customer support tools, and data analytics platforms.

Generative AI and Foundation Models:
Flasho AI leverages generative artificial intelligence to conduct and analyze interviews. The AI is trained to understand and replicate human conversational patterns, ensuring that interactions are natural and insightful. It is built on advanced NLP technologies.

Flasho AI is available as a web application, making it accessible to businesses through a browser interface. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing teams to easily set up and manage their customer interview processes.

Target Users:
- Product managers looking to gather continuous feedback on product features and usability.
- Market researchers needing to conduct large-scale market research efficiently.
- Customer experience teams aiming to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Growth teams seeking to validate new business opportunities and strategies.

Flasho AI is powered by Chutney Inc., a company that focuses on leveraging AI to help businesses stay customer-focused and competitive in rapidly changing markets. The platform is not open source, ensuring proprietary technology and data security for its users.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Customer Interviews, Customer Feedback, Market Research, Brand Perception, Customer Experience
  • Who is it good for?
    Product Managers, Market Researchers, Brand Managers, Growth Teams, Customer Experience Teams


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