
What does it do?

  • Personal Injury Law
  • Demand Package Creation
  • Medical Chronology Generation
  • Settlement Negotiation
  • Case Management

How is it used?

  • Upload case files to web app; AI generates legal documents.
  • 1. Upload docs w/ AI
  • 2. Customize output
  • 3. Integrate w/ Litify
  • 4. Access via web
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Who is it good for?

  • Paralegals
  • Legal Assistants
  • Personal Injury Lawyers
  • Insurance Adjusters
  • Medical Record Reviewers

Details & Features

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EvenUp is an AI-powered platform that automates the creation of demand packages and medical chronologies for personal injury lawyers. By processing medical documents and case files, it streamlines the preparation of crucial legal documents, allowing attorneys to focus more on case strategy and less on administrative tasks.

Key features:
- AI-Driven Demand Packages: Transforms medical documents and case files into comprehensive demand packages, including detailed expositions of injuries and damages.
- Medical Chronologies: Automatically generates organized timelines of client medical treatments.
- Verdict and Settlement Database: Utilizes over 250,000 public verdicts and private settlements to improve demand package analysis and valuation.
- Security Measures: Implements SOC2 certification, data encryption, comprehensive access logs, and least-privilege access policy.
- AI Zero-Day Data Retention: Employs a zero-day retention policy for AI-processed data to enhance security and privacy.
- Customization: Offers tailored services backed by a team of industry experts.

How it works:
1. Users upload medical documents and case files to the web-based application.
2. AI processes the uploaded files.
3. The platform generates demand packages and medical chronologies.
4. Users review and customize the generated documents as needed.


Use of AI:
EvenUp uses generative AI to analyze data and create detailed demand packages and medical chronologies. The AI technology is designed to improve over time, learning from the data it processes to enhance output quality.

AI foundation model:
The platform's AI models are trained on a large dataset of public verdicts and private settlements, enabling accurate analyses and valuations for personal injury cases.

Target users:
- Personal injury law firms of all sizes
- Firms aiming to expand caseload without increasing staff
- Attorneys seeking to improve efficiency in settlement negotiations

How to access:
EvenUp is available as a web-based application, accessible from any device with an internet connection.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Personal Injury Law, Demand Package Creation, Medical Chronology Generation, Settlement Negotiation, Case Management
  • Who is it good for?
    Paralegals, Legal Assistants, Personal Injury Lawyers, Insurance Adjusters, Medical Record Reviewers


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