
What does it do?

  • Engineering Productivity
  • Documentation Automation
  • Pull Request Changelogs
  • Slack Integration
  • Notion Integration

How is it used?

  • Install web app
  • auto-generate changelogs
  • update docs.
  • 1. Install web app
  • 2. Create pull request
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Who is it good for?

  • DevOps Professionals
  • Technical Writers
  • Software Engineers
  • Startup Founders
  • Engineering Managers

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Elessar is an advanced AI-powered platform designed to enhance engineering visibility and productivity by seamlessly integrating with existing ecosystems, connecting codebases, communication tools, and documentation systems. The platform leverages generative AI to automate documentation, reporting, and communication processes, making it an invaluable tool for engineering teams.


Generative AI Capabilities
- AI-generated pull request changelogs that automatically create standardized changelogs for each pull request, saving time and ensuring comprehensive documentation
- Automatic documentation of codebase progress in Notion, making it easily accessible to all team members
- AI-generated summaries in Slack that create temporary channels for each pull request with two-way sync, statuses, and summaries to improve communication and visibility

Integration and Tools
- VS Code extension that allows users to search and understand changes directly within their code editor without sifting through diffs
- Integrated issue tracking that links issues, tasks, and metrics from Linear to Elessar channels and integrations
- Personalized daily email digests that send summaries of important updates to engineers and managers

Security and Privacy
- Enterprise-grade security with data encrypted both in transit and at rest
- Strict data privacy policies ensuring that data processed by OpenAI is not used to train or improve their models

How It Works

Elessar is primarily accessed through a web app and various integrations with tools like VS Code, Notion, Slack, and Linear. The platform can be installed with a few clicks, making onboarding straightforward. When a pull request is created, Elessar automatically generates a changelog, updates Notion documentation, and creates a Slack channel for discussion. Engineers receive daily email digests summarizing key updates, enhancing overall productivity and visibility.


Elessar supports integration with several key tools:
- Codebases for direct integration and seamless changelog generation
- Communication tools like Slack for real-time updates and discussions
- Documentation tools like Notion for automatic documentation updates
- Issue tracking tools like Linear for linking issues and tasks to relevant discussions and updates

Generative AI and Foundation Models

Elessar leverages generative AI, particularly models from OpenAI, to automate and enhance various aspects of engineering workflows, including generating pull request changelogs, summarizing discussions, and documenting progress. The use of these advanced AI models ensures that the generated content is accurate, relevant, and useful.

Availability and Pricing

Elessar is available as a web app and integrates with various tools through extensions and APIs. It offers a 1-month free trial and has different pricing tiers, including a Pro plan at $7 per month per user and an Enterprise plan for larger organizations.

Target Users

Elessar is ideal for engineering teams looking to improve productivity, visibility, and documentation processes. It is particularly beneficial for:
- Startups needing efficient and automated documentation and reporting
- Large organizations requiring enterprise-grade security and comprehensive integration with existing tools
- Engineering managers seeking to streamline communication and keep track of progress through daily digests and automated reports

Elessar is not open source, ensuring that it maintains high security and privacy standards for its users.

  • Supported ecosystems
    GitHub, Notion, Slack, VS Code, GitHub, Jira, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Google, Notion, Slack, Linear, VS Code, Microsoft, Apple
  • What does it do?
    Engineering Productivity, Documentation Automation, Pull Request Changelogs, Slack Integration, Notion Integration
  • Who is it good for?
    DevOps Professionals, Technical Writers, Software Engineers, Startup Founders, Engineering Managers


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