
What does it do?

  • Contract Drafting
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Legal Document Management
  • Clause Comparison
  • Knowledge Management

How is it used?

  • Integrate with MS Word
  • streamline contract drafting.
  • 1. Draft contracts w/ auto-pilot
  • 2. Review docs w/ historical data
  • 3. Negotiate terms w/ search tools
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Who is it good for?

  • Paralegals
  • Corporate Legal Departments
  • Transactional Lawyers
  • Law Firm Partners
  • Contract Administrators

Details & Features

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DraftWise is an AI-powered platform designed specifically for transactional lawyers to streamline the drafting and negotiation of contracts. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Word, allowing lawyers to access their firm's cumulative knowledge and data directly within the document they are working on. DraftWise is trusted by top global law firms, including those in the Vault10, AMLaw 100, Magic Circle, and Seven Sisters.

Key Features:

- Contract Auto-Pilot: Automates tedious tasks, allowing lawyers to focus on client interactions.
- Advanced Search and Recommendations: Helps find the right clauses or definitions and suggests alternatives based on firm data and public sources like EDGAR.
- Knowledge Management: Facilitates the creation and sharing of clause banks and knowhow precedents, enhancing the reuse of high-quality contract language.
- Unified Data Access: Integrates with Document Management Systems (DMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, and deal databases to provide a comprehensive view of a firm's intelligence.
- Preferred Language Optimization: Enables faster drafting using preferred language, reducing the time and effort required to create documents.
- Data Security: SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, ensuring high standards of data security and ethical wall maintenance.
- Administrator Control: Puts administrators in control of data access and usage, maintaining trust and security.
- Microsoft Word Integration: Directly integrates with Microsoft Word, allowing lawyers to work within their familiar environment.
- Market Understanding: Provides insights into "what is market" for any given provision by comparing internal and public data.

How It Works:
DraftWise operates as an AI solution embedded within Microsoft Word, guiding lawyers through every stage of the contract lifecycle—from drafting to negotiation. Users interact with the platform by drafting contracts utilizing the auto-pilot feature, reviewing documents leveraging the firm's historical data, and negotiating terms using advanced search and recommendation tools.

DraftWise integrates with several key systems to enhance its functionality, including Document Management Systems (DMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, and Deal Databases. These integrations help create a unified and comprehensive view of a firm's data, directly accessible within Microsoft Word.

Target Users:
DraftWise is ideal for transactional lawyers, especially those involved in drafting and negotiating contracts, law firms, particularly those in the Vault10, AMLaw 100, Magic Circle, and Seven Sisters, and legal departments within corporations that require efficient and secure contract management solutions.

In summary, DraftWise is a robust AI-driven platform that significantly enhances the efficiency and quality of contract drafting and negotiation for legal professionals, integrating seamlessly with existing tools and maintaining high standards of data security.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Microsoft, Microsoft Word
  • What does it do?
    Contract Drafting, Contract Negotiation, Legal Document Management, Clause Comparison, Knowledge Management
  • Who is it good for?
    Paralegals, Corporate Legal Departments, Transactional Lawyers, Law Firm Partners, Contract Administrators


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