
What does it do?

  • NSFW AI Chat
  • Adult Content AI
  • AI Roleplay
  • AI Sexting
  • Custom AI Chatbot Creation

How is it used?

  • Engage in NSFW AI chat via web app's text-based interface.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Create AI characters
  • 3. Roleplay w/ chatbots
  • 4. Engage in AI sexting
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Who is it good for?

  • Adult Entertainment Enthusiasts
  • AI Chatbot Hobbyists
  • Roleplay Aficionados
  • Fantasy Explorers
  • Erotic Conversationalists

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : Book Demo / Request Quote

Details & Features

  • Made By

    Dittin AI
  • Released On

Dittin.AI is a web-based platform that provides users with an unrestricted, Not Safe For Work (NSFW) AI chat experience. It allows users to engage in adult-themed conversations and roleplay with AI characters without the constraints of topic limitations.

Key features:
- Utilizes the DittinLLM Fast large language model, which is self-hosted, continuously updated, and trained on a vast dataset of high-quality dialogues
- Offers a DittinLLM Free AI large language model for users to enjoy the NSFW AI chat experience without financial commitment
- Vast collection of AI characters for users to choose from or contribute to
- Tools for users to create their own custom AI chatbots
- User-friendly interface with features like Traceback, edit, and regenerate for complete control over chat content
- Flexible content filters that prohibit illegal and unethical content while allowing adult conversations
- Incorporates user feedback and suggestions into product development
- 24/7 customer support via email and Discord
- Prioritizes user privacy by encrypting account information and chat records

How it works:
Users interact with AI characters through a chat interface on the Dittin.AI web application. They can select or create AI characters, engage in conversations, and use various features to customize their chat experience. The DittinLLM large language model generates realistic and engaging dialogues, making the AI chat experience more lifelike.

Use of AI:
Dittin.AI relies on the DittinLLM large language model to generate realistic NSFW dialogues and interactions. The platform offers tools for creating and sharing AI characters, suggesting a community-driven approach to content creation.

AI foundation model:
Dittin.AI is built on the DittinLLM large language model, a proprietary AI technology developed and maintained by the platform specifically for generating realistic NSFW dialogues and interactions.

How to access:
Dittin.AI is primarily available as a web application, ensuring easy access for users across different devices.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Unknown, Apple
  • What does it do?
    NSFW AI Chat, Adult Content AI, AI Roleplay, AI Sexting, Custom AI Chatbot Creation
  • Who is it good for?
    Adult Entertainment Enthusiasts, AI Chatbot Hobbyists, Roleplay Aficionados, Fantasy Explorers, Erotic Conversationalists


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Pricing model: Book Demo / Request Quote


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Epigon.AI: AI companion for storytelling and roleplay, generating content to spark creativity.