
What does it do?

  • Customer Service
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Training
  • Education
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How is it used?

  • Integrate lifelike avatars via API/SDK for interactive dialogues.
  • 1. Access w/ APIs & SDKs
  • 2. Customize avatars
  • 3. Interact thru voice & text
  • 4. Engage in dialogues
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Who is it good for?

  • Sales Professionals
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Training Managers
  • Retail Associates

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


UneeQ Digital Humans is an AI-powered platform that enables businesses to create and deploy lifelike digital human avatars for customer service, sales, training, and other use cases. These digital humans can engage in natural conversations, provide personalized assistance, and deliver information in a human-like manner.

Key features:
- Lifelike digital human avatars customizable in appearance, voice, and personality
- Natural language processing for understanding and responding to user queries
- Multimodal interaction through voice, text, and potentially gestures or facial expressions
- Conversational AI for intelligent and contextual dialogues
- Customization options to align with brand and specific use cases
- Integration with existing systems via APIs and SDKs

How it works:
UneeQ Digital Humans leverages advanced AI technologies to create digital human avatars that can engage in natural conversations with users. These avatars can understand user queries through natural language processing and provide contextual responses using conversational AI. The platform allows businesses to customize the appearance, voice, personality, and knowledge base of the digital humans to suit their specific needs.

UneeQ offers APIs and SDKs that allow businesses to integrate the digital humans into their existing systems, websites, or applications.

Use of AI:
UneeQ's digital humans are powered by conversational AI technology, enabling them to engage in intelligent and contextual dialogues with users. The platform likely leverages a combination of state-of-the-art AI technologies, such as transformer-based language models for natural language processing and generation, computer vision and facial animation techniques for creating lifelike digital human avatars, and conversational AI models trained on large datasets of human-human conversations.

AI foundation model:
The specific AI foundation models or LLMs used by UneeQ are not explicitly disclosed.

How to access:
UneeQ Digital Humans is available as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, accessible through APIs and SDKs. Pricing details are not provided on the website, suggesting that pricing may be customized based on the client's requirements and the scope of the project.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Customer Service, Sales, Marketing, Training, Education, Healthcare, Retail, Hospitality, Virtual Assistants, Product Demonstrations
  • Who is it good for?
    Sales Professionals, Healthcare Providers, Customer Service Representatives, Training Managers, Retail Associates


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