
What does it do?

  • Healthcare Administration
  • Insurance Verification
  • Prior Authorization
  • Claim Status Inquiry
  • IVR Navigation

How is it used?

  • Submit call requests online
  • get automated insurance info.
  • 1. Submit call request w/ questions
  • 2. AI makes call
  • navigates IVR
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Who is it good for?

  • Healthcare Administrators
  • Insurance Verification Specialists
  • Prior Authorization Coordinators
  • Claim Status Investigators
  • Medical Billing Professionals

Details & Features

  • Made By

    Delfino AI
  • Released On


Delfino AI is an AI-powered platform that automates repetitive phone calls to payors, such as insurance companies, on behalf of healthcare providers. The platform navigates Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, waits on hold, and converses with live representatives to obtain necessary information for tasks like eligibility and benefit verification, prior authorization checks, and claim status inquiries.

Key Features:
- IVR Navigation: The AI navigates complex IVR systems to reach the appropriate department or representative.
- Live Conversation Handling: The platform engages in conversations with live representatives to ask specific questions and gather required information.
- Automated Call Requests: Users submit call requests with specific questions, and the AI handles the rest.

Use Cases:
- Eligibility and Benefit Verification: Confirms whether a provider is in-network and what the copay amounts are.
- Prior Authorization: Checks the requirements for prior authorization and the status of existing authorizations.
- Claim Status Inquiry: Inquires about the status of insurance claims.

- Time Savings: Automates time-consuming phone calls, allowing staff to focus on higher-value tasks.
- Knowledge Retention: Helps maintain institutional knowledge even as team members change.
- Scalability: Provides the flexibility to scale support as needed.

How It Works:
1. Users send requests with patient information and specific questions they need answered by the payor.
2. Delfino AI's platform makes the call, navigates the IVR, and converses with a live person to get the answers.
3. The platform shares the answers back with the user.

Given its use case, Delfino AI likely integrates with healthcare management systems and electronic health records (EHR) systems to streamline the process of submitting call requests and receiving information.

Generative AI and Foundation Models:
The platform leverages generative AI to handle natural language processing tasks required for navigating IVR systems and conversing with live representatives. The specific AI foundation model or large language model (LLM) used by Delfino AI is not mentioned.

Delfino AI is available as a web application, allowing users to submit call requests and receive information through an online interface. The product was launched in 2023.

Target Users:
Delfino AI is ideal for healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, and medical practices, that need to frequently interact with insurance companies for administrative tasks. It is particularly beneficial for administrative staff who handle insurance verifications, prior authorizations, and claim inquiries.

Open Source Status:
Delfino AI is not open source.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Healthcare Administration, Insurance Verification, Prior Authorization, Claim Status Inquiry, IVR Navigation
  • Who is it good for?
    Healthcare Administrators, Insurance Verification Specialists, Prior Authorization Coordinators, Claim Status Investigators, Medical Billing Professionals


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