
What does it do?

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Meeting Assistant
  • Pipeline Management
  • Knowledge Base
  • Team Collaboration

How is it used?

  • Web app automates CRM by syncing emails
  • recording meetings.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Sync contacts
  • 3. Record meetings
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Who is it good for?

  • Researchers
  • Sales Professionals
  • Customer Success Teams
  • Founders
  • Recruiters

Details & Features

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  • Released On


Day.ai is an AI-native Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that automates the capture, organization, analysis, and sharing of customer conversations to foster business growth. It offers a more intuitive and automated approach to managing customer relationships compared to traditional CRM systems.

Key features:
- People Relationship-focused Meeting Assistant: Automatically generates human-quality meeting notes, perfect relationship recall, auto-generated follow-up emails with meeting highlights, centralized contact and relationship history, and follow-up reminders.
- Automatically-organized CRM (Pipelines): Updates pipeline following successful meetings, aligns team members with shared pipeline updates, moves deals forward upon task completion, and generates automatic forecasts.
- Customer-centric Knowledge Base (Pages): Communicates trends and patterns from conversations, prioritizes tasks based on customer feedback, enables collaboration with prospects and customers, organizes marketing assets, and creates documentation from repetitive inquiries.
- Collaboration Tools: Offers unlimited private team environments, role-based access control (RBAC) for field-level permissions, and compliance with SOC 2 Type 1 standards.

How it works:
Day.ai operates primarily as a web application, integrating with communication and email platforms like Google Accounts (Gmail Contacts & Email) and video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Meet, and Teams. Users connect their accounts to sync contacts and emails, record meetings, and automatically organize their CRM without manual input. The platform's AI capabilities generate meeting notes, action items, and follow-ups in a human tone.

- Google Accounts: For syncing Gmail contacts and emails.
- Zoom, Meet, Teams: For recording meetings and automatically generating meeting-related documentation and follow-ups.

Use of AI:
Day.ai leverages advanced generative AI technologies to automatically generate meeting notes, action items, and CRM updates in a human-like tone, indicating the application of sophisticated natural language processing and understanding algorithms.

How to access:
Day.ai is available as a web application, offering a free tier for basic access and a Pro tier at $40 per user per month, which includes a 30-day free trial and additional features for a more comprehensive CRM experience.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Workday, Gmail, Google, Google Calendar, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft, Google, Zoom, Microsoft
  • What does it do?
    Customer Relationship Management, Meeting Assistant, Pipeline Management, Knowledge Base, Team Collaboration
  • Who is it good for?
    Researchers, Sales Professionals, Customer Success Teams, Founders, Recruiters


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