
What does it do?

  • Patent Drafting
  • Patent Prosecution
  • Claims Preparation
  • Prior Art Identification
  • Office Action Response

How is it used?

  • Web app for patent agents to draft
  • review
  • and respond.
  • 1. Access web app
  • 2. Input drafts
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Who is it good for?

  • Patent Agents
  • Patent Attorneys
  • Intellectual Property Lawyers
  • Patent Paralegals
  • Patent Drafters

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Davinci is an AI-powered platform that streamlines and enhances the patent prosecution process for patent agents and attorneys. It leverages generative artificial intelligence to assist in various stages of patent preparation, drafting, and review, with a focus on software, mechanical, and process & method patents.

Key features:
- Assists in preparing patent claims, creating drawings, and drafting invention disclosures
- Provides text suggestions to help users draft patent specifications
- Allows users to ask the AI to review their text and iterate on it, ensuring high-quality patent applications
- Helps identify relevant prior art and provides suggestions for arguments to respond to office actions
- Automates tedious tasks, allowing users to focus on client interactions and strategic aspects of patent prosecution
- Ensures user data is not stored or used for retraining purposes, adhering to high data security standards

How it works:
Users interact with Davinci primarily through a web application. They can input initial drafts for the AI to provide text suggestions and improvements, upload documents in various formats for review and iteration, and receive assistance in identifying prior art and formulating responses to office actions.

Davinci supports various document formats commonly used in patent drafting, including Microsoft Word (.docx), plain text (.txt), and PDF.

Use of AI:
Davinci leverages generative artificial intelligence to provide its features, enabling sophisticated text suggestions, review, and iteration functionalities that enhance the patent drafting and prosecution process.

How to access:
Davinci is available as a web application. The platform is currently in a beta phase, and interested firms can join a waitlist to gain access.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Microsoft, Unknown
  • What does it do?
    Patent Drafting, Patent Prosecution, Claims Preparation, Prior Art Identification, Office Action Response
  • Who is it good for?
    Patent Agents, Patent Attorneys, Intellectual Property Lawyers, Patent Paralegals, Patent Drafters


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