
What does it do?

  • Project Management
  • Task Management
  • Roadmapping
  • Gantt Charts
  • Document Editing

How is it used?

  • Use the web app to manage tasks
  • create roadmaps
  • and edit docs.
  • 1. Use web app
  • 2. Manage tasks
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Who is it good for?

  • Project Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Sales Teams
  • Startup Founders
  • Software Development Teams

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Dart is an advanced AI-powered project management tool designed to streamline and enhance project workflows. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that leverage generative artificial intelligence to automate and optimize various project management tasks, making it particularly beneficial for teams looking to reduce administrative overhead and improve productivity.


Intelligent Task Management
- Manage tasks in both list and board views
- Create subtasks and track due dates, priorities, sizes, and other properties
- Use sprints to manage tasks on a regular cadence
- Save time with AI-driven features like automatic property filling and subtask generation

Roadmaps and Calendar Views
- Implement roadmaps, Gantt charts, and calendar views to set your team's direction
- Use Dart AI to automatically build out roadmaps for your projects
- Never miss a deadline with due dates and notifications

Documents and Meeting Notes
- Store documents and complete writing tasks directly in Dart using its powerful doc editor
- Link tasks and documents for a cohesive project environment
- Let Dart AI create reports for changelog updates, standup meetings, and more

- Effortlessly integrate with various workplace tools to streamline projects
- Integrate with your workplace CRM to manage your sales pipeline and track prospects

How It Works

Users interact with Dart primarily through its web app, which provides a user-friendly interface for managing tasks, creating roadmaps, and handling documents. The tool is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to run every feature via keyboard shortcuts, deeply customize their layout, and easily separate work and personal tasks.

Specific examples of usage include:
- Users can create and manage tasks, set priorities, and track progress using AI features that automate repetitive tasks
- Teams can set project directions and timelines using AI-generated roadmaps and Gantt charts
- Users can store and edit documents, link them to tasks, and generate meeting notes and reports automatically


Dart supports integrations with various workplace tools, enhancing its functionality and allowing seamless workflow management. Specific integrations include Slack for team communication and updates, and CRM tools to manage sales pipelines and track prospects.

Generative AI and Foundation Models

Dart leverages generative AI to automate and optimize project management tasks, including features like automatic property filling for tasks, subtask generation, and AI-generated reports for meetings and updates. The specific AI foundation model or LLM (Large Language Model) used by Dart is not detailed.

Availability and User Base

Dart is available as a web app, making it accessible from any device with internet connectivity. It is suitable for a wide range of users, including engineering, product, leadership, design, and sales teams, and is designed to fit various roles and streamline project management across different departments.

Dart was launched in April 2024 by a company founded with the goal of revolutionizing project management through the use of advanced AI technologies. The product is not open source, focusing instead on providing a polished and integrated solution for professional use.

  • Supported ecosystems
    ChatGPT, Hugging Face, Slack, CRM
  • What does it do?
    Project Management, Task Management, Roadmapping, Gantt Charts, Document Editing
  • Who is it good for?
    Project Managers, Product Managers, Sales Teams, Startup Founders, Software Development Teams


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