
What does it do?

  • Qualitative Research Analysis
  • Data Summarization
  • Presentation Slide Generation
  • Insight Discovery
  • Research Automation

How is it used?

  • Upload research materials on web app
  • get summarized insights.
  • 1. Upload research material w/ Zoom
  • 2. Define objectives & hypotheses
  • 3. Generate insights w/ AI
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Who is it good for?

  • Academic Researchers
  • Qualitative Researchers
  • Market Research Analysts
  • Management Consultants
  • User Experience Researchers

Details & Features

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CoLoop is an AI-driven platform designed to streamline and enhance qualitative research analysis. It leverages advanced AI technologies to help users summarize data, answer questions, and create presentation slides significantly faster than traditional methods, making it particularly beneficial for consultancies and research agencies seeking to uncover hidden themes and insights from qualitative data efficiently.

- Data Importation: Securely import various types of research materials, including audio, video, transcripts, and community data, with integration support for platforms like Zoom.
- AI-Powered Analysis: Utilize cutting-edge AI to process and analyze qualitative data using composed pipelines of fine-tuned models for accuracy and minimal hallucinations.
- Summarization and Reporting: Generate fully referenced slides, summaries, and quotes instantly, allowing users to quickly create detailed and meaningful insights from their data.
- Explainability: Hyperlink back to evidence from any interview, enabling easy retrieval of verbatim or audio snippets for use in presentations.
- Privacy and Security: Adheres to rigorous security standards, with all third parties vetted for GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC2 compliance.

How It Works:
1. Import Research Material: Users securely upload research materials, including audio, video, and transcripts, with direct integration from Zoom and other sources.
2. Define Objectives: Users enter questions, objectives, and hypotheses into the platform to maximize efficiency by allowing the AI to focus on specific research goals.
3. Generate Insights: The AI processes the data and provides fully referenced slides, summaries, and quotes, allowing users to deliver deep and meaningful insights to their clients quickly.

CoLoop supports integration with various platforms to facilitate data import and analysis, including Zoom for direct import of meeting recordings and transcripts, and community data platforms for seamless data integration.

Generative AI and Foundation Models:
CoLoop leverages generative AI to enhance its qualitative analysis capabilities, using composed pipelines of fine-tuned models designed to limit hallucinations and ensure that all insights are backed by primary data, ensuring high accuracy and reliability in the generated outputs.

Availability and User Base:
CoLoop is available as a web application, making it accessible from any device with internet connectivity. The platform caters to the needs of research agencies, consultancies, and academic researchers conducting qualitative research who need to streamline their analysis process.

CoLoop was launched by Genie Technology, Inc., headquartered at 85 Great Portland Street, W1W 7LT, and has quickly gained traction, being trusted by over 140 leading consultancies. The platform is not open source, ensuring that its proprietary AI models and data processing techniques remain exclusive to its users.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Qualitative Research Analysis, Data Summarization, Presentation Slide Generation, Insight Discovery, Research Automation
  • Who is it good for?
    Academic Researchers, Qualitative Researchers, Market Research Analysts, Management Consultants, User Experience Researchers


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