
What does it do?

  • Podcast Creation
  • Episode Title Generation
  • Episode Description Generation
  • Podcast Transcription
  • Podcast Chapters

How is it used?

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Cohost AI is an optional add-on feature provided by Buzzsprout, a podcast hosting platform. It utilizes artificial intelligence to assist in the creation of podcast episode details, thereby streamlining the upload process. This feature is available for an additional monthly fee, which varies depending on the duration of the Buzzsprout subscription.

Cohost AI offers the following features:

- Episode Title Ideas: It suggests several potential titles for your episode, allowing you to choose, modify, or create a custom name.
- Episode Description: It generates a draft description based on the uploaded audio file, which can be reviewed and adjusted as needed.
- Transcript: It provides a transcript of the episode, which can be edited for speaker identification and content accuracy.
- Chapters: It identifies chapters within your episode for review and editing.
- Social Posts: It generates three social media posts for each episode, which can be used directly or edited as required.
- Blog Post Draft: It creates a draft blog post that provides a synopsis of the episode, which can be directly copied and pasted into a third-party blog or website.

The cost of Cohost AI is relative to your Buzzsprout subscription. For instance, it costs $10/month for a 3-hour Buzzsprout subscription, $20/month for a 6-hour subscription, and $30/month for a 12-hour subscription.

  • Supported ecosystems
    Buzzsprout, Buzzsprout, iOS, Apple
  • What does it do?
    Podcast Creation, Episode Title Generation, Episode Description Generation, Podcast Transcription, Podcast Chapters
  • Who is it good for?
