
What does it do?

  • Code Generation
  • Code Autocompletion
  • Code Summarization
  • Software Development Productivity
  • Multilingual Code Support

How is it used?

  • autocomplete
  • Use IDE plugin to convert text to code
  • summarize.
  • 1. Use IDE plugin
  • 2. Type description
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Who is it good for?

  • Students
  • Data Scientists
  • Educators
  • Software Developers
  • Enterprise Teams

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


CodeT5 and CodeT5+ are large language models developed by Salesforce Research for code understanding and generation. These models assist software developers by automating various coding tasks, including text-to-code generation, code autocompletion, and code summarization.

Key features:
- Text-to-Code Generation: Converts natural language descriptions into executable code
- Code Autocompletion: Predicts and completes entire functions or code snippets
- Code Summarization: Generates concise summaries of code
- Multilingual Support: Supports multiple programming languages
- Fine-Tuned Checkpoints: Pre-trained models optimized for specific downstream tasks

How it works:
1. Users interact with CodeT5 and CodeT5+ through IDE plugins or APIs
2. Developers input natural language descriptions or partial code
3. The model processes the input and generates relevant code or suggestions
4. Users can review, modify, and integrate the generated code into their projects

- Visual Studio Code Plugin
- APIs and SDKs for custom integrations

Use of AI:
CodeT5 and CodeT5+ use generative AI to automate coding tasks, leveraging advanced transformer architectures pre-trained on large code datasets.

AI foundation model:
Based on transformer architecture, similar to other state-of-the-art large language models

Target users:
- Software Developers
- Data Scientists
- Educators and Students
- Enterprise Development Teams

How to access:
- IDE plugins (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
- APIs and SDKs for custom integrations
- Open-source code available on GitHub under BSD-3 License

  • Supported ecosystems
    GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft, iOS, Apple, Google, Android
  • What does it do?
    Code Generation, Code Autocompletion, Code Summarization, Software Development Productivity, Multilingual Code Support
  • Who is it good for?
    Students, Data Scientists, Educators, Software Developers, Enterprise Teams


ChainGPT: AI-driven smart contract generation, NFT creation, and crypto market analysis for Web3 developers and traders.
OpenAI introduces GPT-4 Turbo (ChatGPT), Assistants API, and enhanced multimodal capabilities for developers.
Devin, an autonomous AI software engineer, collaborates with developers to handle tasks from bug fixes to app deployment.
Augment is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development efficiency and quality.
GitHub Copilot generates code suggestions in real-time to enhance developer productivity.
OpenAI Codex translates natural language into code, supporting multiple programming languages.
StarCoder is a Large Language Model for Code (Code LLM) that has been developed using permissively licensed data from GitHub, with a model trained on 1 trillion tokens and fine-tuned for 35 billion Python tokens, and it performs better than existing open Code LLMs on popular programming benchmarks.
Amazon Q Developer is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development and infrastructure management for AWS developers.
Mixtral 8x7B is an open-source, multilingual SMoE model that matches GPT3.5 performance at lower cost.
Generates code from natural language prompts in 20+ languages, with debugging and IDE integration.