
What does it do?

  • Code Analysis
  • Vulnerability Detection
  • Security Research
  • Software Development
  • Open Source Security

How is it used?

  • Install CodeQL extension in VS Code
  • run queries on codebase.
  • 1. Install extension 2. Get database 3. Run queries 4. Use `UnsafeDeserialization.ql` 5. Share & reuse queries

Who is it good for?

  • Software Engineers
  • Security Researchers
  • Open Source Developers
  • Computer Science Educators
  • Vulnerability Analysts

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


CodeQL is a semantic code analysis engine that helps developers identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in their codebases. It enables users to query code as if it were data, facilitating the discovery of complex patterns and security flaws that traditional static analysis tools might overlook.

Key features:
- Query code as data: Write queries to analyze codebases, treating them as databases
- Vulnerability detection: Create custom queries to find specific types of vulnerabilities, such as unsafe deserialization and SQL injection
- Reusable queries: Share and reuse queries across different projects to standardize vulnerability detection practices

How it works:
1. Install the CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code or set up the CodeQL CLI
2. Obtain a CodeQL database by downloading one from an open source project on GitHub or creating one using the CLI
3. Run queries on the CodeQL database to identify vulnerabilities in the codebase

- Visual Studio Code: CodeQL extension allows for seamless query execution within the IDE
- GitHub: Tight integration enables easy access to open source projects and their CodeQL databases

Use of AI:
CodeQL utilizes advanced semantic analysis techniques to understand and query codebases. While it does not explicitly use generative AI models, its ability to analyze code as data and identify complex patterns is similar to the capabilities provided by modern AI-driven tools.

AI foundation model:
The description does not provide enough information to determine if CodeQL uses a specific AI foundation model.

How to access:
CodeQL is available as a Visual Studio Code extension and a CLI tool. It is free for use in open source projects and academic research, but it is not itself open source.

  • Supported ecosystems
    GitHub, GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft
  • What does it do?
    Code Analysis, Vulnerability Detection, Security Research, Software Development, Open Source Security
  • Who is it good for?
    Software Engineers, Security Researchers, Open Source Developers, Computer Science Educators, Vulnerability Analysts


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