
What does it do?

  • Code Completion
  • Code Generation
  • Natural Language to Code
  • Multi-Language Programming
  • Developer Productivity

How is it used?

  • Integrate into IDEs for text-to-code and code completion.
  • 1. Integrate into dev env
  • 2. Auto complete code
  • 3. Generate code snippets
  • 4. Convert instructions to code
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Who is it good for?

  • Students
  • AI Researchers
  • Data Scientists
  • Educators
  • Software Developers

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


CodeGemma, a collection of advanced, lightweight models developed by Google, enhances the productivity and efficiency of developers by providing intelligent and accurate coding assistance for a variety of tasks, including code completion, code generation, natural language understanding, mathematical reasoning, and instruction following.


CodeGemma offers three distinct model variants:

- 7B Pretrained Variant: Specializes in code completion and generation from code prefixes and/or suffixes.
- 7B Instruction-Tuned Variant: Optimized for natural language-to-code chat and instruction following.
- 2B Pretrained Variant: Provides up to 2x faster code completion, making it ideal for rapid development cycles.

Key capabilities of CodeGemma include:

- Intelligent code completion and generation: Capable of completing lines, functions, and generating entire blocks of code, whether working locally or utilizing Google Cloud resources.
- Enhanced accuracy: Trained on 500 billion tokens of primarily English language data from web documents, mathematics, and code, ensuring syntactically correct and semantically meaningful code generation.
- Multi-language proficiency: Supports a wide range of programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, C++, C, Rust, and Go.
- Streamlined workflows: Reduces the amount of boilerplate code developers write, allowing them to focus on more complex and interesting coding tasks.

How It Works

Users interact with CodeGemma primarily through integration into their development environments. The models can be used for:

- Code completion: Automatically completing code based on the context provided by the surrounding code.
- Code generation: Generating new code snippets or entire functions based on natural language descriptions or partial code inputs.
- Instruction following: Converting natural language instructions into executable code, useful for automating repetitive tasks or generating boilerplate code.


CodeGemma supports integration with various development environments and tools, including:

- Google Cloud: Leveraging cloud resources for enhanced performance and scalability.
- Kaggle: Access to Colab notebooks, code examples, and community discussions to facilitate learning and collaboration.

Generative AI and Foundation Models

CodeGemma leverages generative artificial intelligence and large language models (LLMs) trained on a vast dataset of 500 billion tokens, including web documents, mathematical texts, and code. This extensive training allows the models to understand and generate syntactically and semantically accurate code.

Availability and User Base

CodeGemma is available as a web app and can be integrated into various development environments. It is particularly useful for software developers, data scientists, educators, and students. While not open source, CodeGemma provides extensive documentation and community support to help users get the most out of its features.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Code Completion, Code Generation, Natural Language to Code, Multi-Language Programming, Developer Productivity
  • Who is it good for?
    Students, AI Researchers, Data Scientists, Educators, Software Developers


ChainGPT: AI-driven smart contract generation, NFT creation, and crypto market analysis for Web3 developers and traders.
OpenAI introduces GPT-4 Turbo (ChatGPT), Assistants API, and enhanced multimodal capabilities for developers.
Devin, an autonomous AI software engineer, collaborates with developers to handle tasks from bug fixes to app deployment.
Augment is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development efficiency and quality.
GitHub Copilot generates code suggestions in real-time to enhance developer productivity.
OpenAI Codex translates natural language into code, supporting multiple programming languages.
StarCoder is a Large Language Model for Code (Code LLM) that has been developed using permissively licensed data from GitHub, with a model trained on 1 trillion tokens and fine-tuned for 35 billion Python tokens, and it performs better than existing open Code LLMs on popular programming benchmarks.
Amazon Q Developer is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances software development and infrastructure management for AWS developers.
Mixtral 8x7B is an open-source, multilingual SMoE model that matches GPT3.5 performance at lower cost.
Generates code from natural language prompts in 20+ languages, with debugging and IDE integration.