
What does it do?

  • 3D Product Visualization
  • Augmented Reality
  • Spatial Storytelling
  • E-commerce
  • Product Showcasing

How is it used?

  • Access via web browser
  • create 3D models from images.
  • 1. Access web platform
  • 2. Create 3D models
  • 3. Craft spatial stories
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Who is it good for?

  • Marketing Agencies
  • E-commerce Businesses
  • Online Retailers
  • Product Manufacturers
  • Metaverse Developers

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : Unknown
  • Free version : Yes

Details & Features

  • Made By

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Avataar is an AI-powered platform that enables businesses to create immersive, interactive, and photorealistic 3D and augmented reality (AR) experiences for their products and services. It helps companies bridge the gap between offline and online shopping by delivering more engaging and personalized customer experiences.

Key features:
- 3D Product Visualization: Creates high-quality, photorealistic 3D models of products for integration into e-commerce platforms and mobile apps
- Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences: Allows customers to virtually place products in their own physical spaces using smartphone cameras
- Spatial Storytelling: Enables users to craft interactive spatial stories and product experiences using generative AI and no-code tools
- Social Media Integration: Provides 3D and AR capabilities for creating engaging, shareable content for various social media channels
- Collaboration and Community: Offers a community platform for users to collaborate, share spatial stories, and exchange ideas

How it works:
1. Upload product images or videos to the platform
2. AI algorithms generate photorealistic 3D models
3. Customize and refine the 3D models as needed
4. Integrate the 3D and AR experiences into e-commerce platforms, mobile apps, or social media content
5. Track user engagement and optimize experiences based on AI-driven insights

Use of AI:
- Advanced computer vision and deep learning models for 3D modeling
- SLAM algorithms, object detection, and segmentation models for AR experiences
- Generative AI models for spatial storytelling and interactive narratives
- Continuous model training on e-commerce datasets to optimize content for engagement and conversion

AI foundation model:
The platform utilizes proprietary AI models built on computer vision and deep learning technologies.

Target users:
- E-commerce businesses and online retailers
- Brands and product manufacturers
- Marketing agencies and creative professionals
- Metaverse and virtual world developers

How to access:
Avataar is primarily a web-based software platform accessible through desktop or mobile browsers. API integrations are available for embedding capabilities into existing digital platforms.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    3D Product Visualization, Augmented Reality, Spatial Storytelling, E-commerce, Product Showcasing
  • Who is it good for?
    Marketing Agencies, E-commerce Businesses, Online Retailers, Product Manufacturers, Metaverse Developers


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Pricing model: Unknown
Free version: Yes


Apply Design is an AI-powered virtual staging platform that transforms property photos into realistic images.
Convert raster images to detailed vectors for design and industrial use.
Revery.AI provides advanced AI-driven virtual try-on technology and personalized styling solutions for fashion retailers to enhance online shopping experiences.
3DFY.ai is an AI-powered platform that generates high-quality 3D models from text or images, offering a scalable solution for various industries.
AI.Fashion's Persona platform uses AI to enable virtual photoshoots with real models for fashion brands.
Iliad is an AI-powered platform that transforms 2D images into 3D voxel art and offers advanced editing tools for creatives.
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Kaedim converts 2D images or descriptions into production-ready 3D models in minutes.