
What does it do?

  • Subtitle Generation
  • Video Accessibility
  • SEO
  • Content Customization
  • Hearing Impairment Support

How is it used?

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : The website is not working

Details & Features

  • Made By

    Simplified AI
  • Released On


The Auto Subtitle Generator by Simplified is a web-based tool powered by artificial intelligence. It is designed to automatically add subtitles to videos, enhancing accessibility and engagement for all viewers. The key features of this tool include:

- An AI-powered subtitle generator that automatically creates accurate subtitles for videos.
- The ability to upload videos up to 5MB, accommodating various video sizes.
- A review and customization feature for captions, ensuring they align with the video content.
- The enhancement of video SEO through the addition of subtitles.
- The provision of accessible content, improving the viewing experience for individuals with hearing impairments.
- Free usage, allowing for the improvement of video content without the need for subscriptions.

The Auto Subtitle Generator can be utilized in several scenarios:

- To increase engagement and reach by making videos accessible to a broader audience.
- To improve SEO through the addition of subtitles, aiding search engines in indexing the content.
- To provide a more inclusive viewing experience for individuals with hearing impairments.
- To conserve time and resources by using an efficient and accurate auto subtitle generator.

In summary, Simplified's Auto Subtitle Generator allows users to effectively communicate their brand message without any additional costs.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Subtitle Generation, Video Accessibility, SEO, Content Customization, Hearing Impairment Support
  • Who is it good for?


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Pricing model: The website is not working


Captions is a generative AI video creation platform that simplifies storytelling for users of all skill levels.
Zubtitle automatically transcribes and adds captions to videos, making it easy to create engaging content.
Automate video tasks, analyze content, and enhance collaboration for various users.