
What does it do?

  • Sales Automation
  • Customer Retention
  • Revenue Growth
  • Personalized Customer Success
  • Automated Sales Outreach

How is it used?

  • 1. Define products & data
  • 2. Upload data
  • 3. Assign AI agents
  • 4. Launch campaigns
  • 5. Monitor & optimize

Who is it good for?

  • E-commerce Business Owners
  • Sales Professionals
  • Customer Success Managers
  • SaaS Company Executives
  • B2B Service Providers

What does it cost?

  • Pricing model : Subscription
  • Starting monthly price : If billed monthly $99.00
  • Starting annual price : If billed yearly $99.00

Details & Features

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AskToSell is an AI-powered sales automation platform designed to handle customer interactions and drive revenue growth for businesses. The software utilizes autonomous AI agents to automate various aspects of the sales process, from customer onboarding to upselling and retention.

Key features:
- Autonomous AI Agents: Handle customer interactions and execute personalized sales playbooks
- Automated Sales Process: Streamlines sales activities for small to medium deal sizes
- Personalized Customer Success Plans: AI-generated plans tailored to individual customer needs
- Revenue Management: Capabilities for retention, expansion, and recovery of revenue
- Automated Customer Lifecycle Management: Handles onboarding, feedback escalation, and renewals
- Upsell and Cross-sell Execution: Automated implementation of sales strategies
- Customer Re-engagement: Targets and reactivates dormant customers
- Email Integration: Connects AI agents with email accounts for communication
- Approval Workflows: Enables human oversight for critical actions
- Analytics and Optimization: Tools for tracking and improving performance
- Customizable Sales Playbooks: Allows for tailored sales strategies
- Campaign Management: Includes objective setting and performance tracking
- Pipeline Management: Provides search and filtering capabilities
- Real-time Metrics: Offers instant insights into campaign performance

How it works:
1. Users define their products, including value propositions, pricing, and commercial rules
2. Customer and product usage data is uploaded to the platform
3. AI agents are assigned and connected to email accounts
4. Users launch campaigns with specific objectives
5. AI agents autonomously execute personalized playbooks to interact with customers
6. The platform provides approval workflows for human oversight on critical actions
7. Users monitor performance and optimize campaigns using provided analytics tools

Email systems supporting SMTP/IMAP protocols

Use of AI:
AskToSell leverages generative AI to power its autonomous agents, which handle customer interactions, generate personalized success plans, and execute sales playbooks.

Target users:
- Small to medium-sized businesses looking to scale their customer success and sales efforts
- Companies with a large number of customers that need personalized attention
- Sales and customer success teams seeking to automate routine interactions
- Businesses in SaaS, e-commerce, and other industries with recurring revenue models

How to access:
AskToSell is primarily available as a web application.

Applicable Industries:
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- E-commerce
- Subscription-based businesses
- B2B services
- Any industry with a focus on customer retention and revenue growth

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Sales Automation, Customer Retention, Revenue Growth, Personalized Customer Success, Automated Sales Outreach
  • Who is it good for?
    E-commerce Business Owners, Sales Professionals, Customer Success Managers, SaaS Company Executives, B2B Service Providers


Visit site
Pricing model: Subscription
Starting monthly price: If billed monthly $99.00
Starting annual price: If billed yearly $99.00


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