
What does it do?

  • Massage Therapy
  • Personalized Wellness
  • On-Demand Booking
  • AI-Driven Personalization
  • Precision Massage Technology

How is it used?

  • Access the web app
  • customize settings
  • Use the web app to book and personalize your massage.
  • book personalized massages.
  • 1. Access web app 2. Set preferences 3. Book massage 4. Experience Aerpoints 5. Improve w/ AI

Who is it good for?

  • Tech-Savvy Individuals
  • Busy Professionals
  • Massage Enthusiasts
  • Wellness-Focused Consumers
  • Time-Constrained Self-Care Seekers

Details & Features

  • Made By

  • Released On


Aescape is a company that aims to revolutionize the massage experience through the use of advanced technology and personalized services. It provides users with a convenient, tailored massage experience accessible through a web app.

Key features:
- Personalized settings for pressure preferences, music, and treatment styles
- On-demand booking app with options for location, availability, and massage duration (15-120 minutes)
- Precision-crafted Aerpoints with seven surfaces modeled after the human body for targeted pressure
- Safety features including precision torque sensors and an Emergency Stop, tested on thousands of users
- Custom Aerwear designed for comfort and convenience, eliminating the need to shower after the massage
- Learns user preferences to continually improve the massage experience

How it works:
Aescape utilizes generative artificial intelligence to learn from users' preferences and personalize each massage session. Users can manage their settings, book appointments, and access their personalized massage experience through the web app.

Information not provided.

Use of AI:
Aescape employs generative AI to personalize and improve the massage experience based on user preferences and feedback.

AI foundation model:
Information not provided.

Target users:
Aescape is ideal for individuals seeking a personalized, efficient, and technology-driven massage experience, particularly busy professionals who value self-care but have limited time.

How to access:
Aescape is available as a web app. Users are encouraged to join a waitlist for priority booking access ahead of launch.

  • Supported ecosystems
  • What does it do?
    Massage Therapy, Personalized Wellness, On-Demand Booking, AI-Driven Personalization, Precision Massage Technology
  • Who is it good for?
    Tech-Savvy Individuals, Busy Professionals, Massage Enthusiasts, Wellness-Focused Consumers, Time-Constrained Self-Care Seekers


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