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  • Publication: Harvard Business School
  • Publication Date: May 10, 2023
  • Organizations mentioned: Boston Consulting Group, Harvard Business School, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
  • Publication Authors: Fabrizio Dell’Acqua, Ethan Mollick
  • Technical background required: Medium
  • Estimated read time (original text): 120 minutes; 156 Pages
  • Sentiment score: 68%, somewhat positive (100% being most positive)

Thinking critically


Alternative perspectives:

AI predictions:

  • As AI capabilities expand, the share of tasks inside the frontier is likely to grow rapidly, accelerating integration. However, new challenges will arise as the frontier shifts.
  • Effective human-AI collaboration will become a core competency, changing training priorities and potentially hiring criteria. Companies may need specialists in AI collaboration.
  • Governance frameworks, monitoring, and controls will be imperative to ensure responsible and ethical AI usage and address risks as they emerge.


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