Users react to Spotify’s new AI-powered Wrapped feature
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Spotify’s annual Wrapped feature, which provides users with personalized music listening insights, has sparked discussion about its evolving format and user reception in 2023.

Key changes this year: Spotify introduced an AI-powered podcast format for its 2023 Wrapped experience, marking a significant departure from previous iterations.

  • The new format features synthetic DJs that count down users’ top songs from throughout the year
  • Some users noted awkward AI interactions, particularly when discussing consistent listening patterns
  • The change represents Spotify’s first major integration of AI technology into its year-end review feature

User reception and polling data: Initial feedback suggests mixed reactions to the 2023 version of Wrapped, with many users expressing preference for previous years’ formats.

  • 45% of respondents indicated they preferred previous versions of Wrapped
  • Only 5% considered this year’s version their favorite
  • 20% appreciated the core features but were skeptical of the AI additions
  • 30% remained indifferent to the feature altogether

Behind-the-scenes changes: The departure of Lead Data Alchemist Glenn McDonald in 2022 may have influenced the quality and depth of this year’s listening insights.

  • Some users attribute the perceived decline in Wrapped’s effectiveness to McDonald’s absence
  • McDonald has since shared independent methods for users to analyze their Spotify listening data
  • The situation highlights the impact individual team members can have on popular features

Industry context: Spotify’s Wrapped remains influential in the streaming industry, despite growing competition from other platforms.

  • Amazon recently launched its first “Amazon Music Delivered” year-end recap
  • Google Photos has introduced its own year-in-review feature
  • Spotify’s Wrapped continues to serve as a benchmark for streaming platforms’ annual reviews

Looking ahead: While Spotify’s experimentation with AI technology shows its commitment to innovation, the mixed reception suggests a potential need to balance new features with the elements that made Wrapped popular in the first place.

Poll: Did you like this year's Spotify Wrapped?

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