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The big picture: Oprah Winfrey’s upcoming television special on artificial intelligence and society is expected to present a narrow, commercially-driven perspective on AI, potentially overlooking critical aspects of the technology’s development, impact, and ethical considerations.

Limited scope of AI representation: The special is likely to focus primarily on recent, large-scale generative AI systems built around large language models (LLMs).

  • The show may neglect to mention decades of prior learning systems and research in AI.
  • Public models of ownership or control of AI technologies are not expected to be discussed.
  • State-led AI efforts might only be framed in the context of an arms race with China, despite the significant role of public funding in U.S. AI research through academia and military channels.

Narrow focus on AI risks: The discussion of AI threats and risks is anticipated to be limited in scope and depth.

  • The special may emphasize AI’s potential to replace people in creative jobs or focus on speculative scenarios involving artificial general intelligence (AGI).
  • Definitions of AGI are likely to be based solely on perspectives from commercial interests like Sam Altman and OpenAI.
  • The show may overlook recent tech-driven labor disruptions such as the gig economy, blockchain hype, and metaverse promotion.

Absence of labor representation: Despite Oprah’s extensive experience working in unionized entertainment environments, the special is not expected to include labor perspectives.

  • No voices representing organized labor are likely to be quoted.
  • The show may fail to acknowledge the growing trend of young workers embracing labor organizing at a faster rate than AI adoption.

Overlooking data consent issues: The special is anticipated to sidestep crucial discussions about consent in AI development and deployment.

  • The word “consent” may not be mentioned, particularly regarding training data and surveillance data used in large-scale models.
  • The show might not address instances of tech companies violating laws to access datasets without permission for LLM training.
  • Changes to policies and terms of service that force users to contribute to LLM models without explicit consent may go unmentioned.

Mischaracterization of AI errors: The special may use misleading terminology when discussing AI-generated inaccuracies.

  • Errors, confabulations, and intentional distortions produced by generative AI might be labeled as “hallucinations” rather than bugs or defects.
  • The show may not explore the legal or moral obligations of commercial software companies to produce reliable products.

Ignoring AI’s role in military and policing: The special is not expected to cover the use of AI in military and law enforcement decision-making.

  • The show may overlook how large learning models are currently being used to determine targets in military and policing engagements.
  • The special might not address how AI is sometimes used to avoid accountability for violence.
  • Perspectives from individuals affected by AI-influenced targeting or sentencing decisions are unlikely to be included.

Lack of clarity on AI definition: The special may not address the intentional blurring of lines around what constitutes “AI.”

  • The show might fail to distinguish between various applications of AI, from smartphone camera improvements to military targeting systems.

Critical analysis: Oprah’s AI special appears poised to serve as a promotional platform for select AI vendors, potentially lacking disclosure of any financial interests.

  • The show may conclude with feel-good messaging reminiscent of past segments that platformed controversial figures like anti-vaccine advocates.
  • There is a call for Oprah to provide a more comprehensive, balanced, and ethically responsible exploration of AI’s societal impact.

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