NSF Invests $8M to Expand AI Education Across US
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Advancing AI education in the US: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is investing nearly $8 million in five projects under the EducateAI initiative to develop the next generation of AI professionals and expand access to AI education nationwide.

  • The EducateAI program, launched by NSF’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and STEM Education directorates, aims to make inclusive, state-of-the-art AI educational experiences widely available across the United States.
  • These projects will benefit from the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot, an NSF-led effort to create a national infrastructure connecting researchers to essential AI resources.
  • The initiative aligns with NSF and Biden administration priorities, including Opportunities Everywhere, Emerging Technologies, and the Executive Order on AI development and use.

Expanding access to AI education: The funded projects focus on increasing diversity and accessibility in AI education, particularly for underrepresented groups and institutions.

  • Miami Dade College is leading a project to increase access to AI degrees for underrepresented students at community colleges, developing strategies to engage high school students and adult learners.
  • Cornell Tech’s project aims to equip underserved undergraduate students with AI and machine learning skills, expanding the Break Through Tech AI program.
  • The Education Development Center is working to integrate AI literacy into community college programs, creating pathways from two-year to four-year degree programs in computer science and AI.

Building capacity and consensus: Two projects focus on developing strategies to enhance AI education and integrate ethical considerations into curricula.

  • The Computing Research Association is leading the LEVEL UP AI project, which seeks to build consensus on strategies to increase capacity and diversity in AI education through virtual roundtable discussions and in-person workshops.
  • The University of Texas at El Paso is working to integrate ethical reasoning into computer science education at Hispanic-serving institutions by developing contextualized, open-source ethics modules focused on AI.

Leveraging NAIRR Pilot resources: The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Pilot plays a crucial role in supporting these educational initiatives.

  • The NAIRR Pilot provides computing, software, data, expertise, and other AI resources to projects integrating cutting-edge AI education across various institutions.
  • This support helps develop a diverse and well-trained AI workforce by broadening access to essential AI research resources.

Key stakeholder perspectives: NSF leadership emphasizes the importance of these investments in shaping the future of AI education and research.

  • Greg Hager, assistant director for CISE, highlights the need to nurture a diverse AI-ready workforce prepared for emerging technologies.
  • Katie Antypas, director of the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure, underscores the commitment to fostering innovation and ensuring inclusive access to AI research resources.

Broader implications: The NSF’s investment in EducateAI represents a significant step towards democratizing AI education and preparing a diverse workforce for the future of technology.

  • By focusing on underrepresented groups and institutions, including community colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions, these projects aim to address the current lack of diversity in the AI field.
  • The integration of ethical considerations into AI education programs demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing the social and moral implications of AI technologies.
  • As AI continues to transform various sectors, this initiative could play a crucial role in ensuring that the United States remains competitive in AI research and development while also promoting responsible and inclusive AI practices.
NSF investing nearly $8M in EducateAI awards to develop next generation of well-trained AI workforce

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