“Companion” is a sophisticated horror-thriller that blends artificial intelligence concepts with classic genre elements in a story about an AI companion who discovers her true nature.
Core premise and setup; Set in the near future where AI companions are commonplace, the film follows Iris (Sophie Thatcher) and Josh (Jack Quaid) during what begins as a seemingly routine lake house getaway with friends.
- The narrative takes a sharp turn when Iris discovers she is actually an AI companion programmed by Josh, a revelation that sets off a chain of violent events
- The story evolves from a casual gathering into a tense thriller as Iris finds herself on the run
- Director Drew Hancock, in his feature debut, crafts a narrative that seamlessly blends horror, science fiction, and dark comedy elements
Performance highlights; Sophie Thatcher delivers a nuanced performance that brings depth and relatability to an artificial being, while Jack Quaid effectively transforms from charming to sinister.
- Thatcher’s portrayal helps audiences empathize with Iris despite her artificial nature
- Quaid’s character evolution from affable “nice guy” to something more menacing adds psychological complexity to the film
- The chemistry between the leads enhances the emotional impact of the revelation about Iris’s true nature
Technical execution; The film maintains a tight 97-minute runtime and earned an R rating for its unflinching approach to violence and mature themes.
- Hancock’s direction demonstrates a confident handling of multiple genres
- The script balances witty dialogue with intense horror elements
- The film’s pacing keeps audiences engaged while exploring deeper themes about consciousness and humanity
Critical assessment; The movie earns 2.5 out of 4 stars for its innovative approach to familiar sci-fi and horror elements.
- The writing successfully tackles complex themes about artificial intelligence and human nature
- The film appeals to both genre fans and viewers who typically avoid horror
- Technical execution and performances elevate the material beyond standard genre fare
Future implications for AI in cinema; This film stands out for its thoughtful exploration of AI consciousness while maintaining entertainment value, suggesting a maturing approach to artificial intelligence narratives in horror and thriller genres.
Movie Review: Bloody and witty, ‘Companion’ explores what humanity means in an AI-powered world