Existential Risk from AI Too Unreliable to Base Policy Decisions on, Some Experts Say
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In a recent blog post, Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor argue that forecasts of existential risk from AI are based on speculation and pseudo-quantification rather than sound evidence or methodology.

Key issues with AI existential risk forecasting: The article identifies several reasons why current AI existential risk probability estimates are unreliable and unsuitable for guiding policy:

  • Inductive probability estimation is unreliable due to the lack of a suitable reference class, as an AI-driven human extinction event would be unprecedented and dissimilar to any past events.
  • Deductive probability estimation is unreliable due to the lack of a well-established theory or model for predicting the likelihood of developing superintelligent AI or losing control over such AI.
  • Subjective probability estimates vary widely among experts and are essentially guesses dressed up as numbers, lacking a rigorous inductive or deductive basis.

Challenges in assessing forecast skill: The article argues that it is virtually impossible to assess the skill of forecasters when it comes to AI existential risk, due to several factors:

  • The lack of a reference class makes it difficult to determine whether a forecaster’s skill in other domains would translate to AI existential risk.
  • The low base rate of existential risks and the long time horizons involved make it challenging to evaluate the accuracy of forecasts.
  • Scoring rules used to assess forecast skill are insensitive to the overestimation of tail risks, allowing inflated estimates of low-probability events to go unpenalized.

Potential biases in risk estimates: The authors suggest that there may be systematic biases leading to the overestimation of AI existential risk, including:

  • Selection bias among AI researchers and forecasting experts, who may be more inclined to believe in the transformative potential and risks of AI.
  • Echo chamber effects within the AI safety community, where high estimates of the probability of AI doom have become a way to signal commitment to the cause.
  • Incentives to err on the side of higher estimates when faced with uncertainty, due to the asymmetric penalties of scoring rules.

Pitfalls of utility maximization: The article cautions against using cost-benefit analysis based on existential risk probabilities to guide policy, as it can lead to Pascal’s Wager-like conclusions that justify extreme measures based on highly speculative estimates of low-probability but high-consequence events.

Recommendations for policymakers: Rather than relying on unreliable existential risk forecasts, the authors suggest that policymakers should:

  • Adopt policies that are compatible with a range of possible estimates of AI risk and are beneficial even if the risk is negligible.
  • Focus on forecasting AI milestones and benchmarks that are more clearly defined and measurable, while recognizing the limitations of current benchmarks in predicting real-world impacts.
  • Demand clear explanations of the evidence and methodology behind any risk estimates used to inform policy, rather than accepting subjective probabilities at face value.

Concluding thoughts: The article emphasizes the need for an evidence-based approach to AI safety that stays grounded in reality while acknowledging the possibility of unknown risks. The authors argue that policies aimed at restricting AI development are unnecessary and potentially counterproductive, and call for a more nuanced and adaptable approach to managing the societal impacts of AI.

AI existential risk probabilities are too unreliable to inform policy

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