Apple recently launched Enhanced Visual Search (EVS), a photo recognition feature in iOS 18 that has sparked privacy concerns due to its default-enabled data sharing with Apple’s servers.
Key functionality: Enhanced Visual Search uses on-device AI to identify landmarks and points of interest in photos, creating mathematical fingerprints that are sent to Apple’s servers for matching.
Privacy concerns: Developer Jeff Johnson has highlighted that this feature was implemented without explicit user consent or clear communication about its data-sharing implications.
Technical documentation: Apple has provided limited official information about EVS’s privacy implications.
How to disable EVS: Users can turn off Enhanced Visual Search through their device settings.
Looking ahead: Apple faces mounting pressure to address the default data-sharing nature of Enhanced Visual Search.
While Apple maintains that photo privacy is preserved through encryption and relay systems, the lack of transparent communication about EVS’s server-side components raises legitimate concerns about user privacy and consent in AI-powered features.