Get wise, it’s time you Realize!
In AdTech news and a significant shift for digital advertising, Taboola is expanding beyond its native advertising roots with Realize, a performance marketing platform designed to challenge the dominance of search and social media advertising channels. The move comes as advertisers face diminishing returns on social media platforms, with Taboola estimating that $55 billion in performance advertising spending could be delivering better ROI through alternative channels.
The big picture: Taboola’s new Realize platform aims to capture a share of the $25 billion performance marketing spend currently directed to DSPs and niche AdTech solutions.
Key details: The platform specializes exclusively in performance outcomes at scale beyond traditional search and social channels.
Behind the numbers: Taboola identifies nearly $30 billion in social media spending suffering from diminishing returns.
What they’re saying: “Performance advertising beyond search and social media has been far too difficult for too long,” says Taboola CEO Adam Singolda.
Why this matters: The launch represents a strategic pivot for Taboola, moving beyond its decade-long focus on bottom-of-article native advertising to compete more broadly in the performance marketing space.